Sunday, November 29, 2009

US economic view from afar

Excerpt from the "Daily Reckoning Australia" newsletter.........................

"One thing Americans take for granted is that they will always be the richest, most successful people on earth. They think that because that is what they have always known. The US economy became the biggest in the world before 1900. Americans had just what it took to become the richest people on the planet. They worked hard. They saved their money. They had little government interference. They had the industrial revolution at their backs...and nothing in their way. And they had a dollar that was 'as good as gold.' By the time the baby boomers were born the US had such a big lead over the rest of the world, it seemed like nothing could stop it. Free enterprise guaranteed new innovations and new wealth. Democracy guaranteed a political system that would adapt to the needs of the evolving economy.

But nothing lasts forever. As it matured, the US economy and its political system became more and more rigid and more and more costly, with handouts and every level. Large companies are protected. Millions of people are encouraged not to work. The whole financial industry is dipped in honey. And the whole population is urged not to save, but to spend. Why bother to save for retirement; there's Social Security. Why bother to save for health care emergencies; there's the government's new overhaul of the medical system! Why bother to save at all; the government has fixed short-term rates so low you get nothing for your trouble.

On our travels what we notice is that there are a lot of smart people in the world. And they're all sweating, striving, and angling to get ahead. You never know who will win the race, but you can be sure that no one will stay in the lead forever."

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