Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is only one state

If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will!
From the L. A. Times

1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County. )

(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times) Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida , and New York) results from immigration.

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

During the political season

During this political season let's be reminded of these wise words...

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking awaypeople's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

Abraham Lincoln

Judge dismisses suit

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit challenging Obama's qualifications to be president. The suit was filed by Democratic lawyer Philip Berg. Mr. Berg alleged that Obama was not a U. S. citizen and therefore not eligible for the office. The judge ruled that Berg lacked standing to bring the case. It is reported that Mr. Berg plans to appeal the judge's ruling.

If Mr. Berg as a U.S. citizen does not have standing with regard to harm to our Constitution (if the merits of the case are true) then who has standing?

Friday, October 24, 2008

ISD wasteful spending

"Austin ISD’s Proposition 1 asks that the taxpayers of Austin fork over $17.7 million more dollars for “general operating expenses”, according to their brochure, explaining the “need” to increase Austin residents’ taxes."

Why the need for additional operating expenses? According to a report in the Austin American Statesman the Austin ISD is spending taxpayer dollars on a local attorney to fight a reimbursement request in the amount of $22.50 from one of its teachers for a Spanish workshop.

Guess the local attorney is working pro bono for the Austin ISD!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lufkin resident gets visit from Secret Service

This is some Hitler/Russian type stuff................

What is the wisdom in sending Secret Service agents to an individuals house because she disagrees with the political views of a campaign worker? Why do we the taxpayers pay for presidential candidate protection? I am sure this goes way back, but someone needs to make a change in this policy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Attorney General's Office

Read the local rag while traveling to the state of Washington last Thursday, and it appears that Mr. Abbott felt there was enough suspicion to warrant an investigative trip to Camp County. It appears the possibility exist that our Commissioner's Court has gone afoul of the Open Meetings laws in Texas. Perhaps Camp County is one of just many that fails to put enough details in their meeting agenda notices.


In two weeks the voters will have a chance to seek new leadership for our county. We have an 'insider' running and an 'outsider' on the ballot. Perhaps it is time to let the outsider have a shot!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Interesting twist on the Obama thing

Oct 20th 2008
This Law Suit (amongst others) was filed against Obama and the DNC...Yet nothing was done about it...WHY...>Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency(by Jeff Schreiber-Philadelphia Times Herald)....A prominent Philadelphia attorney filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC's nomination, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States. Phillip Berg, the filing attorney, is a former gubernatorial and senatorial candidate, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County, former member of the Democratic State Committee, and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. According to Berg, he filed the suit for the health of the Democratic Party.Berg cited a number of unanswered questions regarding the Illinois senator's background, and maintained that Sen.Obama is not a naturalized U.S. citizen or that, if he ever was, he lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia. Berg also cites what he calls "dual loyalties" due to his citizenship and ties with Kenya and Indonesia.Even if Sen. Obama can prove his U.S. citizenship, Berg stated, citing the senator's use of a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii verified as a forgery by three independent document forensic experts, the issue of "multi-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and allegiance to other countries" remains on the table.In the lawsuit, Berg states that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii as the senator maintains. As Sen. Obama's own paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham--Obama's mother--gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.The Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg says, is a forgery. In the suit, the attorney states that the birth certificate on record is a forgery, has been identified as such by three independent document forensic experts, and actually belonged to Maya Kasandra Soetoro, Sen. Obama's half-sister.

Monday, October 13, 2008

State Rep Phil King fights for the taxpayers

While the Fort Worth Star Telegram editorial staff recommends Phil King for H.D. 61, they aren’t endorsing his pursuit of sound public policy. They like his years-in-office, but imply they're having to hold their collective nose over his ideas about protecting taxpayers, bringing accountability to government and ensuring a strong economy.

Phil King fights for the taxpayers and some newspaper who knows NOTHING has a problem with his stance on the elimination of property taxes for school financing. "The Fort Worth Star Telegram this week wrote that Phil is “overly obsessed” with property tax relief." Wonder if the Fort Worth Star Telegram is receiving some of that property tax money? How could a know NOTHING newspaper be so blind to the fact that the people want to handle their own money, and that the people no longer trust local schools with our money.

Phil gets an 'ataboy' for his radical efforts to aid property owners. Phil, those of us from behind the pine curtain stand behind you in your noble efforts. Phil, you need to know that the school administration folks are fighting you 'tooth and nail' to preserve their dysfunctional way of life. Some of these dinosaurs have come off the extinction list to join the battle to aid schools get more of taxpayers hard earned dollars for their wasteful spending.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Taxpayers take matter into their own hands

Nearly 60 percent of voters in the Duncanville school district voted against a massive property tax hike on Tuesday, while some 73 percent voted against a similar measure in Cedar Hill. The multi-million-dollar tax hikes were defeated by a $30 grassroots campaign, and a little commonsense. The proposed tax rate increase was for maintenance and operations. The schools wanted to raise the rate from $1.04 to the state max of $1.17. The people decided the schools needed to learn to live within their means!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The sky is falling

I have been traveling for a few days, however, I found these interesting tidbits:

1 in 6 owe more than home is worth - This will probably increase property appraisal evaluations by at least 40% in our local market.

GM says bankruptcy is not an option - How would have ever thought that part of our industrial military complex would be looking at bankruptcy options? GM forgot to go high tech!

Global rout, bank woes roil Wall Street - The whole world is now joined at the hip through world trade and debt that consumers helped create. Depression - is it possible? Those boats, cars, RVs, 4 wheelers, etc. want be worth much in the coming days. Looks like our homes want be worth much either. Who created the idea that the home was a savings account? It was never suppose to be more than a roof over your head!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A state rep candidate who has been living on mars

A candidate for state representative is actually calling for property tax increases as part of her general election strategy. She apparently hasn't being paying attention.

Sandra Phuong VuLe, the Democratic Party's candidate for Texas House District 112, told the Dallas Morning News over the weekend that she would "let school districts increase property taxes far beyond the current cap."

She also told the newspaper she wants to tax business profits and "supports raising sales taxes beyond the current statewide cap" -- so she can in turn fund much bigger spending.
In a debate with Republican Angie Chen Button before the Richardson league of Women Voters, VuLu said she wanted to raise the school property tax rate. In 2006, the Legislature cut the rate from $1.50 to $1, but allowed school districts to raise it back up (eventually) to $1.17. Well, VuLu said she wants to reduce the reduction, and bring the rate to $1.30 or $1.40.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"Say it ain't so Joe"

For those of you who watched the VP Debate I thought the best line of the evening was "Say it ain't so Joe". Don't know if she rattled the rooftops, but she held her own against a long time Washington insider. Talking heads have informed us that Biden made several factual errors which is not good for someone who has been in the inter beltway for as long as he has. She is given a little leeway in some of her missteps, however, she needed to be on the money in order to demonstrate she has what it takes to play ball in the beltway ballpark among the heavy hitters.

Opinion is she did not strike out!

Sure would be nice if we had debates among our local elected offices.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Long list of worries

Credit crisis, housing bubble, sub-prime implosion, falling dollar, stumbling equity prices, higher fuel prices, higher food prices, and the list gets longer. The financial fallout has and will hit this part of the state in a hard way if Pilgrim's Pride is unable to master new terms under its current credit facilities on October 28, 2008.

The financial crisis has now come to roost right here in main street Pittsburg, Texas and Camp County. The domino effect of a wounded Pilgrim's Pride is not good for our local merchants, the local Brookshire's, the local folks who sale gasoline, pop, candy, lotto tickets, etc. This will not be good for the local real estate market, and we could possibly see some of those 25% plus lower home valuations in our near future. At the coffee shop round tables I continually here how Pilgrim's Pride is not paying their fair share - we may get to find out their fair share has declined in a major way. If you collect property taxes your kitty may get smaller in the future.

Anyone know the value of a three story office building in rural Texas? How about an empty freezer plant not located on an interstate highway? All the other meat producers are in similar shape as Pilgrim's Pride so I guess they want be coming to Camp County to spend money they don't have in their coffers.

Get ready Main Street for Wall Street is knocking on your door.

Here is a wise word for Twilight Super and crew - you better be paying close attention to your pennies! It might be a smart move to cut back on all unnecessary spending until you see where the ship is truly headed. Halloween doom and gloom has arrived a little early in our neck of the woods this year.

PITTSBURG, Texas, Sept. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Pilgrim's Pride Corporation PPC today announced that on September 26, 2008, it successfully completed a definitive written agreement with its lenders to temporarily waive the fixed-charge coverage ratio covenant under its credit facilities through October 28, 2008. The lenders also have agreed to continue to provide liquidity under these credit facilities during this same 30-day period in accordance with the terms of the waiver agreement.
Pilgrim's Pride had requested the temporary waiver after notifying lenders that it expects to report a significant loss in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2008, which ended September 27, when it files its Form 10-K for such period. The company attributed the anticipated loss to high feed-ingredient costs, continued weak pricing and demand for breast meat, and the significant negative impact of hedged grain positions during the quarter. The company does not anticipate that any significant hedging gains or losses will be recognized beyond the fourth quarter of fiscal 2008 on the few positions that remained open past the end of such period.
Separately, Pilgrim's Pride also announced that it has retained Bain Corporate Renewal Group to work with management on a range of strategic issues and operational improvement. Additionally, Pilgrim's Pride has engaged Lazard as its investment banker to provide strategic advice regarding refinancing and recapitalization opportunities.