Friday, November 6, 2009

Equalization only exist in theory

Let me explain why equalization only exist in theory..............................

It was once said that "the wealth of the poor has been sacrificed to that of the rich." One has to analyze and formulate his own opinion as to what is rich. It seems as if the rich are the only ones who own land, and this makes everyone else seem poor. However, is this really the case? Most likely not. The next question you have to consider "is it more profitable for the poor to work for the rich than for the poor to own plots of land"? The poor most likely do profit more from the rich land owners for they have no responsibility for taxes associated with the owning of land. No one should take from this that the "interests of the poor have been set aside for those of the rich". Someone has to provide away for the poor to profit and they are given this opportunity via landowners. Is it equal? No. Will it ever be equal? No. Do the poor need a way to profit? Yes. Is it in the best interest of the landowners that the poor profit? Yes. Thus, the mutual benefit which leads to the equalization in theory!

The same reasoning can be applied to educating our students. Some are more gifted than others in regard to capabilities of learning. No matter how you try to level the playing field for all you will always have those who are more gifted in the talents of learning. Spend all you want, but you will never make the playing field completely equal for all students with regards to learning. One could argue that you are actually causing more harm to the students gifted in the talents of learning than helping those not as gifted. It is not about the education as much as it is about the learning. Is learning equal? No. Will it ever be equal? No. Do the not so talented learners need a way to learn and prosper? Yes. Is it in the best interest of the gifted learners that all benefit from learning? Yes. Is it possible the less gifted can draw from the talents of the more gifted? The possibility exist. Thus, the mutual benefit which leads to the equalization in theory!

Can one consider the health care issue under the same theory? Yes. Can one consider the issue of Cap and Trade under the theory? Yes. Can one consider the issue of immigration under the theory? Yes.

One has to determine if the theory is provable.

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