Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sticking with the issue of integrity

Recently I attended a gathering of fine folks in the extreme far eastern stretch of our county, and it was a fine gathering with some excellent food and good conversation. Strange how the issue of integrity seems to just pop up in conversations these days. Seems as if most at this gathering have become quite concerned about the issue of integrity, and the lack of conveying such to our young people today. The conversation mainly centered on the aspect of our federal government. However, one individual discussed the lack of integrity displayed by our school administration and PISD board. The individual did note that the PISD board may or may not know about certain issues and could not place blame with them 100%. However, this individual freely shared their views about the lack of integrity regarding the individual who is responsible for running the schools on a daily basis. I was not sure as to who this individual was referring and when I asked the answer came as I suspected - Twi-Lite Super.

It appears that the new role taken on by Twi-Lite Super as chief investigator for the district has established a double standard when it comes to punishment for wrong doing. In a more recent post I reported the incident in regards to students who were athletes who were caught in some wrong doings and the PISD never addressed the issue by suspending the individuals from athletic activity. That post discussed the issue of integrity and what is being conveyed to our young people today. At this gathering in the far eastern bounds of the county this individual shared with those standing that a non-athletic student was recently punished and sent to behavior management school (schools refer to this as ISS) for the possession of a hunting knife on school property locked away in his truck. It was reported the security dog sniffed it out on one of his/her visits to the school parking lot. Then it was discussed that another
student (an athletic participant) also had his vehicle sniffed by the dog and a hunting knife was found along with a prescription drug for which the student had no prescription. It was reported this athletic participant student received no punishment for being in the possession of a weapon and an illegal drug while being on school property. It was reported that both are automatic violations under school policy and punishment for such violations are already defined in the student handbook. It appears Twi-lite Super allows for athletic participants to abide by one set of rules and non-athletic students are required to adhere to the current school policies.

If I understood correctly if they sent the athletic participant to behavior management school then he/she would not be permitted to participate in athletics for that same period of time is what I gathered from the conversation. The other student did not participate so it was okay for he/she to be confined to behavior management school. Double-standard at its extreme! If you don't teach integrity while they are young then they grow up like Twi-lite Super believing it is okay to make such value judgements with regards to trying to justify it is alright to do a wrong. This should never be the case and Twi-lite Super nor any school personnel should ever lower the standard to try and justify something that does future harm to one's developing internal integrity meter. Integrity should never be sold out for any reason. In the end it is one of the only things in life one is issued a grade by the rest of society. If you justify a lack of integrity now then the student will for the rest of his/her life try to justify every wrong doing, and always try to make it right. It happens everyday and all one has to do is read the paper, watch the news, etc.

Did you read about the recent conviction of a couple in Galveston for the killing of a baby? They tried to justify a wrong. The baby would not stop crying so they took extreme measures and the baby ended up dying from the extreme measures taken. They tried to justify and rationalize the wrong as being a right. They sold out their integrity. Were they taught to justify there lack of integrity from an earlier incident in life?


notonmywatch said...

It is not fair to the students, parents, and community when an individual student or a group of students (football team) are treated differently.

The students and staff recognize such actions and it is completely demoralizing to an institution.

Other major problems stem from the lack of fairness and consistency when dealing with young people and staff members.

Our current leadership has never been about fairness. Staff members are treated according to who they are and how politically strong they may or may not be.

There are many inequities in our schools. Certain staff members are paid certified teachers pay and do not even hold a teaching certificate.

Inexperienced aides are paid according to who they are.

Internal scrutinization would reveal that fairness would be hard to find.

School boards supposed to hire superintendents to guard against such actions.

Once again, they have failed.

notonmywatch said...

Twi-Lite Super compromised class and integrity quite some time ago when she exhibited her inconsistencies and favoritism to certain individuals and groups.

Class and integrity are mute points with her. She wants to keep her $100,000 a year job for as long as she can. That is the reason she has not already left.

She should have been fired when she violated local board policy. That action was a just reason to remove her. There have been other actions that have been very unprofessional.

One can not expect more from an elementary principal with no progressive school experience.

She had very little to bring to the table when she was hired.