Monday, November 29, 2010

Cost benefit ratio

Anyone know the percentage change in reading scores for public-school fourth graders since No Child Left Behind became law?


All that money and so little to show for it in the form of enhanced results.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving is a time

On a daily basis, I am reminded of the big - and little - things for which I am thankful. A loving and phenomenal family, wonderful friends, good health, and the opportunity to serve others.

Thanksgiving affords us the chance to take a moment from our busy lives. It is a time to reflect on what's important and thank others for what they have brought to our lives. As we prepare for the holiday, I want to give thanks to all the many blessings that have been afforded me in my daily life.

May your Thanksgiving Day be blessed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

4 in 10

The Pew Research Center recently released research that indicates we have a new definition for family in the United States. Family in the past has consisted of a marriage between man and woman. The new research shows that family no longer consist of a marriage. That same research suggest that 40% of Americans now see marriage as outdated, obsolete, no longer needed, etc.

1 in 3 American children is living with a parent who is divorced, separated or never married. Many Americans are now accepting of the view that marriage is not required to have a family. The notion of American family is changing.

29% of children under the age of 18 live with a parent or parents who are unwed or no longer married. In 1960 the number was less than 4%.

In September the U.S. Census Bureau released some preliminary data and the data showed marriages hit an all-time low of 52% for adults 18 and over.

One researcher stated that "Now there are several ways to have a successful family life, and more people accept them." These changing views of family life are being driven by young adults 18 - 29. It appears young adults have a more liberal attitude with regards to spousal roles and living together before marriage. They fully support the idea of a trial marriage in the form of living together for a period of time.

Moral compass appears to be off and we stray further off course as we continue to wonder what happened to American society as we once knew it. Rural values are lost as the big cities continue to expand their reach into rural lands. Kind of reminds me of the 'hippie' days. What happened to Ward and June Cleaver?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Alice in wonderland

Most of you have probably read the classic novel Alice In Wonderland. At the very least you may have seen the video along with your children. You remember the rabbit? He fell down in a hole. It appears that the hole has swallowed us all. Here is a list of crazy things in the news:

1) San Francisco is considering banning circumcision (is this the same folks who banned Happy Meals?)

2) If you don't support Joe Straus for Texas House Speaker you are Anti-Semitic.

3) It is okay for the TSA to fondle innocent citizens rather than profiling terrorist.

4) 4 in 10 Americans say marriage is obsolete.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Educrats fire up the engines

With a looming budget shortfall certain to challenge legislative budget writers, special interests are lining up claiming they have cut to the bone and need additional funding.

First in line appears to be the education lobby.

The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and the Equity Center have each recently claimed that more education money is needed and that the public is happy to fork it over. TASB commissioned a poll claiming most Texans want more money for education and are willing to support a tax increase for smaller class sizes and higher teacher pay.

Granted, if we asked Texans, “Do you think we should raise taxes to hire more administrators at six-figure salaries?” we would likely get a different answer.

And currently,Texas schools average 7.3 students per staffer and 14.4 students per teacher.

The TASB commissioned poll is available at their website.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 2, 2010 has come and gone

I hope you did your part on November 2, 2010 and if you failed to go to the polls then keep your opinions to yourself. If you did not participate in the election then you failed to earn the privilege to express your opinions.

Local races went about as expected.

Races for state offices produced some major surprises. The state House of Representatives will be vastly different when it comes to order in January 2011. Republican candidates won in some previously well known Democratic districts. Several Republican Hispanic members join the ranks of the Texas House delegation. I would look for the budget to be reduced in a 'major' way, Arizona Immigration Law is on the table, Voter ID is back, no new taxes (this does not include increasing user fees), and school choice will be in play. For those folks who thought enhanced gaming was coming to Texas - FORGET IT.

As to the National scene one can only say the landscape has changed in a major way with regards to the U.S. Congressional House of Representatives. Even in Texas most if not all the Blue Dog Democrats lost their seats. Stalemate and compromise will be the order of business within the beltway over the next two years.

Changing the leadership in our country means more than simply winning arguments or winning elections. Real leadership must determine how best to change how our leaders think about the Constitution. How they think about economic growth, and about issues with regards to war and peace. Real leaders should not spend time bashing Obama and the minority party. It is a waste of time! Real leaders will quickly move forward to accomplish the people's business of getting Americans back to work, and moving the country back to the front of the bus.

In these unprecedented times for our country the new leadership must determine how to cultivate leaders who truly appreciate the ideals that made America great, and how will work towards restoring America's greatness over the long haul.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2, 2010

Cast your ballot today. Apathy destroys democracy and capitalism! Don't play into the hands of those who want a government run society.

Both parties contain folks who are bad for the vision our founding fathers sought, so know the background of the individuals who you intend to put in office. Do these individuals represent what our founding fathers envisioned for this new country? In one particular race I will hold my nose as I cast a vote for an individual I dislike; however, the individual best represents what our founding fathers intended.

Monday, November 1, 2010

In their own best interest

Chicago Tribune writer Steve Chapman said it best with regards to the redrawing of Congressional district boundary lines. He states that the boundary lines are redrawn to benefit those who are currently in office regardless of party holding the seat. "It works. In the U.S. House of Representatives, over the past five elections, incumbents have been re-elected at an average rate of 96 percent. According to my unscientific calculations, a congressman is more likely to be eaten by a polar bear while panning for gold in Key West than to be voted out of office."

Will November 2 show the same outcome? Perhaps this time a congressman will be panning for gold in Key West and a polar bear might be present in the same stream!

Let your silent voice be heard on November 2, 2010. Get out of the house and GO VOTE. It is your country and you are responsible for the people you put in office. Yes, if you do not vote then you are just as much responsible for the outcome as those that do vote.