Friday, November 13, 2009

Unfit for service has its problems

Anyone catch the report that 75% of our young citizens between the ages of 17-24 are unfit for military service. This drys up the pool quickly! It appears that a report by Mission: Readiness a Washington nonprofit organization has concluded that 75% of our young people are unfit due to being overweight and other physical ailments that make them unfit for the armed forces. Overweight and physical ailments are not the only reasons cited. The one that jumps off the page at you is "largely because they are poorly educated". We all have known for years that our kids today are fat and overweight due to lack of physical activity. Where are those family farms?

With all the money we continue to pump into education (once again another confirmation that our money is being wasted) one would think the US would have the most educated pool available in the world for military service. What does the education bureaucracy do with all the money? Fancy sports complexes, excessive school buildings, unneeded school vehicles, continuous outings to fancy resorts, i.e. Gaylord in Grapevine, Texas, and excessive administration overhead. With schools no longer promoting integrity due to the lack of integrity by some school administrators the report also cites issues like drug use, criminal records (football players who drink and drive come to mind), and mental problems as reducing the pool as well.

Who will be there to help us if we are ever attacked here is this country? This problem of 75% being unfit for military service threatens our ability to defend ourselves in the event of an attack. The Russians once said they would take us over by never firing a shot. Who would have ever thought that our country's poor education system and our excessive nation of fat young people could be the answer to the statement made by the Russians.

1 comment:

outsider said...

It only took Obama 9 months to wreck the greatest education system in the world.