Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And these folks want to run our health care system

The Federal Government's current $12 trillion in debt will nearly double to $21 trillion over the next ten years, according to projections by the CBO. Of the $9 trillion increase, more than half will be to cover interest payments.

What can the average guy on the street do about our runaway spending? Nothing.

Sure, we can vote each November for the candidate we think is best. We can write to our representatives. We have freedom of speech. But beyond that, all we can do is watch politicians drive our great country into financial ruin.


notonmywatch said...

These dollars are only more nails in our country's coffin. A little bit more of America dies with each one.

Our "founding fathers" would not recognize what we have evolved to.

outsider said...

Yes they would, It looks a lot like the tyranical empire they risk theyer lives and riches to over throw. Keep voting, writing letters, and watching, It will all be over soon.