Monday, November 9, 2009

Integrity and class still matter

Integrity and class still matter today. A friend forwarded the link to an article about integrity and class and I felt the need to share. At times many critics of sponsored sports question the need and expense of such activities. This article states the case for the good in such activities. Integrity and class still matter when those in charge have integrity and class and they are more concerned about conveying those attitudes no matter the cost. You don't need turf fields, multi-million dollar athletic facilities, etc. to convey the necessary principles of success in life. You need individuals who put into practice what they teach on a daily basis. What a valuable lesson displayed and learned by the leaders of the two schools mentioned in the article. Someone realized it was only a game, and there are more precious things in life than a win/loss record. At times public and private schools pamper athletes which ends up harming the student athlete in the long run. Tough love is a valuable asset that needs to be practiced more often. When practiced young men and women learn valuable lessons that help society as a whole, and provides better direction for a successful life. There is not much tough love in the article; however, one knows when tough love is the norm. All one has to do is consider the actions by the participants at all levels.

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