Thursday, November 26, 2009


The truth is that any of us with employment, who have roofs over our heads, food on our tables, money in our pockets, and are healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of our labor have plenty to be thankful for on a daily basis, not just today. There’s not a single day that goes by that I don’t consider myself one of the luckiest people on Earth. While you enjoy Thanksgiving and count your blessings don't forget about those who have not been blessed with the same or equal fruit.

As you know, there are a lot of individuals having a tough go of things these days, and for those of us who have been blessed we owe it to ourselves and others to reach out and help in some way. Every one of us knows someone having a tough go, so my recommendation for you is to simply find some way to help them in some way this season. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or huge sacrifice for you and your wallet. In fact, in many cases it will only require a simple phone call to let them know you care and are there to help them in some way. As the saying goes, it is the little things that are important in life. Understand that and you’ll discover one of the true secrets of being successful and living a happy life.

By all means don't forget those in the military. They continue to fight for our freedoms on a daily basis. Without their sacrifice then you and I may not be be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!

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