Thursday, March 27, 2008

Feeling lucky

"How could one community be so lucky for all them to end up inPITTSBURG, TEXAS. Most of them are not native Pittsburg people, no children in school here, not involved in any Community Civic program but they want to tell everybody else what to do & how to do it because they are Smarter, More wealthy, and lots of know howon every subject."

Intelligence is shown with a post like this! The PISD property tax bill for the "not native" is most likely more than the average tax bill for others in the county. Before you decide that we don't participate then why am I always giving to those fund raisers held by the school children, buying stale cakes at a bake sale for the band, and purchasing raffle tickets from girl softball players?

Just cause you don't know who we are, does not mean we don't participate! Have you ever introduced yourself? What have you done to make us feel welcome in the community? You are much smarter and don't appreciate the value we have to offer.

Other than our tax dollars!


Laurie's World said...

I have a question for Mr. Roe. Why do you choose to continue to live in Pittsburg? Looking over your posts you seem to have a lot of negative things to say about this community and the school district. Were you this unhappy in your previous towns? I wonder if it would be too difficult for you to post some positive comments about our schools.
Also, you should know that I am hearing from the community that people are angry over your negativity and the decision of your friend Bobby Richardson to sue the county over the new baseball parks. I feel like this is just one more attempt to stop any positive progress our town tries to make. His lawsuit is nothing but retribution for a blow to his pride.
By the way, before you ask I am not a "native". But, I do love this town like a "native"!!!!!

our money said...

This site was designed to debate the issues involving the merits of the upcoming bond election. I do not know Mr. Roe nor Richardson. I have read some of Roe's letters to the editor and they are a little long for my taste. As for Richardson I only know what I hear at the Coffee Shop Round Tables.

You have a personal issue with these individuals then pick up the phone and call them directly. Stay with the bond issue here.

haustin said...

You do know them, he even put this blog in his letter to the editor. You would have had to contact him first for him to know that. You are getting your wrong information from bobby too, he is the only one giving out that information that you keep stating. Just dug your hole deeper!! Busted!
And another thing, this site was not made to debate the issues, its just a spot where you can put info from your buddies and make up stuff and complain!!
You sir have not even stayed with the issue, you have not said one thing that is fact to debate, not one thing that you like that anyone else has to say, and not one thing positive! Sir now we can truly not believe what you have to say after what you just said.

txnotax said...

For Haustin:

Your thinking is so illogical on so many things but I will mention only one. You stated that Our Money must know Mr. Roe because he had to have been the one who gave Mr. Roe the blog site. That, sir, is definitely wrong and this I know from first-hand experience. Another person gave the blog site info to Mr. Roe who in turn lost it and he asked me for the site info which I gave him. I just thought that you and rest of the readers should know the truth and not be swayed by an assumption.

It is so easy to assume things isn't it? But you know what to assume makes us? Have a great day.

PS: Believe it or not but I have not met the founder of this web site. Now I fully expect a reply calling me a liar....because that is the mantra of so many contributors here. Manta, by the way, means an oft-repeated concept, argument, message or practive. (Smile)

our money said...


you seem to want to take the personal approach, why don't you help me reconcile the numbers posted at If you feel these numbers are wrong then say so and a call will be made to the commissioner of education in regards to asking for clarification as to why these and other postings at the TEA web site are wrong in regards to PISD.

our money said...


based upon the information taken from the local government code at the attorney general's web site, it has been determined that the issue is not about the new baseball parks. The issue is in regards to improper bidding procedures and it appears this may have been violated long before Mr. Richardson got involved. Perhaps sticking to the issue involving the school bond is best for all on this site.

our money said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think I can stand up for Haustin:

You all like to complain about anything. This shows you will argue with a brick wall if you wanted to. First you guys were complaning about the school did no research and rushed into this, your information was soon found to be not true; and now you have the facts from the PISD, and even though you still try to find excuses you will soon run out. As for the ballparks. I know your thinking is so illogical, not only on that but so much more of your info. The reason he filed it was because of the wording, "must have at least two years of experience of putting down sports grass", which he does not. And since he did not get picked, he feels that they put that in there so he would not get it. Know the facts sir, but like you do on here, you try to spin it. So go ahead make something else up, thats what yall are good at. And of course, who wants someone in their community griping about everything that goes on, and does it towards positive things. No liers named from us, you did good at calling the whole school system that.

Anonymous said...

I just finished doing some research and found the answer to your argument of why the numbers are different between the school district and TEA. Listin up, pay attention, and even though what i'm about to say will end that debate, i'm sure youll make a excuse. Ok.... I have here, from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), information on State Enrollment and the reason for differences in numbers. "The NCES data used, the state level data provided, and the report at the school and district levels are differnt due to the differences in reporting specifications of each level, and the timing of the collection of data." The school district counts every student enrolled. TEA counts those that attend a school district that meet certian criterias like, student's yearly attendance amounts, Students with special needs, etc.
Here is another fact, start spinning if you must. (smile)

our money said...


Thank you for clearing that up for me. I will take a look at the site you mentioned.