Monday, March 31, 2008

What makes great leaders

I was recently reading a book Executive Intelligence: What All Great Leaders Have by Justin Menkes and he reviews several aptitudes of great leaders. One of the leaders he reviews is Jack Welch the former CEO of GE. Mr. Welch points out that all great leaders question assumptions and anticipates consequences.

Based upon some of the posts some feel great leadership is not needed. However, as long as I and others are a part of the financial picture of this bond election we will exercise the qualities of great leaders to question assumptions and anticipate consequences.

All great leaders have passion, and they know how to control that passion. Great leaders know how to recognize underlying agendas, gauge the conflicts, draw conclusions and then steer the organization toward fulfillment of its strategic objectives.

Great leaders have open minds and are open to the opinions of others.......................................

Some of those posts are not very open minded nor open to the opinions of others and they are quick to assign blame on others. It is hard to understand the fact that a first grader in the PISD system will be 36 are older when this bond election is finally paid in full.

Is a new high school complex needed? Most likely not. However, I believe there is a need for some additional classroom space. Why were we not presented with options as to what we would like to support and not support? I am being told from a school superintendent friend of mine that this is the usual process. Go for the big money first and if it passes you get it all. If it does not pass you come back to the voters for what you actually need. Our neighbors to the west have tried to pass a bond election twice now and it has failed both times. Our neighbors to the north west tried to pass a bond election and it failed as well. I asked friends of mine from both communities as to why they thought it failed and the answer was the same for both. "If we give them the money it will never be enough. They will continue to want more and more." This does not only apply to schools this applies to all governmental entities.

The only pay raise I got last year was the school tax rate decrease given to me by the Texas Legislature. Quite frankly folks I am like a lot of tax payers in Camp County, we just don't have it to give, and we were thankful for the pay increase we got due to the school property tax decrease. We have only asked that you look at our situation, and not conclude that we are all well off with lots of spare change.

1 comment:

txnotax said...

Our Money...

What a lot of people who don't own property and who don't pay property taxes don't understand is that owning property doesn't mean that you are rich. Obviously, from reading a lot of postings on this site, there are those who believe this is true and who don't care as long as they get what they want. But, I think this community is filled with people who do understand and who do care. These comments are directed at them.

My wife and I live in a very modest house (way under $100,000.00 for sure). Just in the past 6 years we have spent almost $10,000.000 (ten thousand dollars) on necessary repairs/projects, not "improvements" mind you, but repairs. These include replacement of the indoor air conditioning/heating unit; replacement of our well pump; replacement of our well pump electrical "thing-a-my-jig" box; and "repair" of our indoor air conditioning/heating unit due to a lightening strike. In addition, we were "forced" to replace a faulty septic system with an areobics system by "municipal government authorities" to the tune of just about $5,000.00 (five thousand dollars) because we live near--not on--just near the lake).

People who do not own property never have to worry about these type of expenses....they just call their landlords if there is a problem! In addition, they do not have to worry about the property taxes, which we do. If we don't pay the taxes, our property is confiscated and sold to...guess who?

When people can not understand why property tax payers complain about increased taxes,e.g., for a new school building, they need to understand that we have a legtimate complaint. When they become a property owner, they will understand. You don't have to be rich to feel the pinch!