Sunday, March 16, 2008


Satting in the Admirals Club Lounge at Logan airport in Boston on Sunday I was reading a piece on Mr. Spitzer. I spent most of Sunday in the hotel room watching all the 'talking heads' analyze his career going forward. I could not help but think about that old saying, "Being the favorite is not easy. Everybody loves the underdog." I don't know if Mr. Spitzer is a favorite, but he is now the underdog.

As I continue to analyze the PISD bond proposal I see that it and Mr. Spitzer have something in common in being the favorite. The PISD will find out like Mr. Spitzer that being the favorite is not always easy.

Here it is we are talking buildings, but a presidential panel on Thursday recommended hammering home the basics, such as addition and multiplication, and increasing the focus on fractions and some geometry. The report never cited the need for additional buildings to help student learning improvement. This writer is not sure that a new building will bring forth greater educated students.

Why critical thinking? Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed or down-right prejudiced. Perhaps this is the path the PISD facilities committee took since most on the committee are drawing a paycheck from the PISD. Several on the committee have a spouse in the system that helps pay the bills in their households. Kind of hard to think clearly when the boss in charge cuts your paycheck.

Proper critical thinking requires coming in unbiased from the start!

In to the wild blue yonder.......................................................

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