Saturday, March 15, 2008

Patients wake up during surgery

What a nightmare it must be for someone to wake up during a surgical procedure. I was recently reading a study by Washington University in St. Louis that stated an average of 30,000 Americans wake up during their surgical procedure each year. Now you ask what does this have to do with the upcoming PISD bond election?

Perhaps we are going through a surgical procedure and we are in the process of waking up because we are starting to feel the pain!

In to the wild blue yonder.......................................................

1 comment:

txnotax said...

What a fantastic comparion! The problem for young homeowners in Camp County is that if this bond is not defeated or at least modified, they are going to be in pain from higher school taxes for the next thirty years, and there are no pain killers that can ease that financial pain. And for those tax payers who are approaching the magical age of 65, their school-tax portion will be frozen at the higher rate when they do reach 65 and they will be paying this higher tax until the year 2038!

Thirty years is a long time for the many to pay the price for the mistakes of a few.

Remember May 10!