Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Park director v. essential services

Camp County Commissioners Court has chosen to fund something that is a non-essential service at the very time it needs essential services. We thought the new county judge would bring a new way of thinking and doing business - FAT CHANCE! I think I voted for this guy. Another one of those goes along to get along kind of guys. Must be lacking in the leadership skill set.

It was discussed at one of the coffeshop round tables that the park board will payback on a quarterly basis the salary of the park directors salary. What kind of sense does this make? A taxpayer funded entity paying back another taxpayer funded entity. How about this as a plan: If we just got to have it rather than 24 hour law enforcement then provide the park board the $30,000 salary and $12,000 benefits money for a period of two years. After two years if the park and the park board are not self sufficient then cancel the funneling of taxpayer funds to a losing venture. If you don't adopt a plan similar to this then the park board will never leave the 'tit', and it will consume more and more of future tax dollars at the expense of essential services like 24 hour law enforcement and repaired county roads.

Does anybody elected to a leadership position in this community ever think?

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