Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Catching up

Been catching up on reading the local rag from being out of town and traveling and came across the article from the school board meeting in which one school board member questioned Twi-light Super with regards to violating a local board policy. It appears that Twi-light Super even admits to doing wrong when she violated local board policy with the employment of an attorney that was not approved by the Pittsburg ISD board. Folks, I don't know about where you work, but most employers would terminate an employee for violating a board policy. Athletes are dismissed from teams for breaking team rules and policies.

Employees are dismissed for breaking policies so that no other employee can ever break a policy and get by with a violation. It protects the employer. It appears from reading the article the PISD board has chosen to disregard the local board policy violation. This is fine and dandy! Now the next time the PISD wants to dismiss an employee for violation of a board policy the board will have no option but to let the employee stay employed. If they terminate the employee they risk a lawsuit for they let Twi-light Super violate a local board policy and they kept her on the payroll. Regardless of their feelings with the Richardson gentlemen the board has made a major mistake in allowing Twi-light Super to remain employed. At the very least a notation should be directed to her personnel file to build a case to terminate her employment with the PISD.

Now what kind of message does this send to a student? It is OK to violate a policy for there will be no punishment. Let some good lawyer get a hold of this and it want take long to clean out the $11 million plus reserve maintained by the PISD.

Many in the community are wanting to know what damaging information does Twi-light Super have on the members of the PISD board. It must be big enough that they are willing to let Twi-light Super sink the PISD ship! Some insiders at the PISD are saying Twi-light Super is destroying morale, and hiring the culls from other local ISDs. PISD board needs to wake-up before you get an "I told you so" branding.

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