Friday, February 13, 2009

40% of the world's people live on

incomes of two dollars a day or less. Can you imagine surviving on $2.00 a day. How would you put food on the table, afford a home, educate your children, handle emergencies and old age? Each and every day, more than a billion people around the world must answer these questions and meet the challenges associated with having a total income of $2.00 a day. Guess what? The poor are creative and innovative and they may struggle, but they find the way. Most don't complain for they know no better way exist. They do what they have to do to provide for their families.

If you have a spare $25.00 you can help finance one who has a small business in parts of the undeveloped world. Try $2.00 a day may not sound like much in this part of the world, but $2.00 a day in the undeveloped world is a large sum of money. My experience is 27 loans at $25.00 each since Kiva got started and I have not been stiffed as of this writing. I enjoy the thank you notes and the business updates I receive from the recipients from time to time. The US government should have took note before handing out all the TARP bailout funds.

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