Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Taxpayers are tired

of talk..........and ready for results.

There has been an initiative for several years now to address government spending at all levels in the State of Texas. This applies to cities, counties, school districts, special districts, state government, etc.

We are looking for strict spending limits by all governmental entities. Taxpayers are tired of the talk and elected officials hiding behind 'big-government' excuses. It is no secret that most governmental budgets in this state regardless of level have increased by more than the budgets of average households. We the people finance these governmental entities. At times we give them more than we get to keep for ourselves. Since 2001, our own state government has seen a budget increase of 31.5%. How many of you have seen your household budgets increase by 31.5%? If you are like most you have seen a decrease in your household budgets. No sector of our economy has grown faster than government!

If spending is not controlled then property taxes will continue to rise even as new taxes are being placed on small businesses. The average household stands for fiscal responsibility and we should expect the same from our governmental entities that we feed with our tax dollars. To have fiscal responsibility we must demand limited government. We need reforms that will shrink government. Governmental budgets should be held to an increase in inflation plus population increase. If that had been the rule then you would not have seen a 31.5% budget increase in our state government since 2001. It would have been more like 12%.

Fiscal responsibility and limited government - you have the power to make the difference!

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