Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good guys v. bad guys

Two very nice letters to the editor this past week. I think we can all agree that no one wants a divided community. I don't think the 'NO' side ever felt it was the side with the right answer. It just felt the numbers and recommended solutions did not add up.

Will the 'NO' side be willing to support another bond issue in 2008? That decision will be left up to the individuals. I don't think this writer can support a bond issue until the PISD uses some of my tax money they hold in reserve to address the necessary issues first. It was OK to spend $3 to 4 million on a field house and football field renovations when the real need was for classroom space. The PISD has a nice reserve balance now on the books and I think they need to address the space needs with the reserve balance first.

One thing is certain and this writer concurs with the letter to the editor writer who said "There is nothing good to be said in having a school campus complex that is a showplace of design and architecture and a blazing tribute to the members of the school board". Practical, expandable, and VERY Usable should be the theme that guides the ship in regards to a school building. If you were on the PISD school board and responsible - How would you build your shelter?

I would hope that the PISD board would use the taxpayer funds they currently hold in reserve before they decide to call another bond election in 2008.

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