Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Herd behavior

Divert from the local political scene to take a look at the national presidential race and I think we are seeing herd behavior. Hard to determine if the Obama herd will overtake the Clinton herd. Clinton herd still hanging tough and just want let go. Not letting go is in the Clinton blood just need a few of those suicide victims from her early days as first lady to talk! Oh, I forgot letting go is not in the blood.

How about Obama talking to his herd recently and stating "People in small towns cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Why is everyone picking on the small town folks lately. Even one small towner last week suggested all those who voted against the bond should leave. Wonder if she is clinging to her guns?

Now Mrs. Obama had already been a part of the act with her statement "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback." Let's see she is Ivy League school educated and an attorney. Wonder when she lost hope? Guess the Ivy League education was not a good reason to be proud. Not many of any race get a chance at an Ivy League education. Many don't get the chance at a Tier One school education and she got an Ivy League education. For some reason I don't get the impression she is in the poor house nor a resident of the middle class.

HOPE is everyday life. Just hope I am able to wake and get out of bed in the morning. Wonder what Mrs. Obama considers as hope?

Glad McCain is keeping the elephant herd holed up in the starting gates, and I sure hope he is feeding them some super oats! Poor fella is not the greatest, but he is the best of the leftovers even if the elephant herd is refusing to eat the super oats.

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