Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tax base increase

Received a mail out from ETMC on the new hospital project. In that mail out was the number of $38 million to build the new facility. This will be a nice increase to the local tax base.

I know ETMC is a non-profit operation. Non-profit operations are not granted automatic property tax exemptions in Texas per the Comptrollers website material. Don't know if ETMC is paying property taxes in Camp County at the present time.

Interesting note is that a recent federal court rendered a decision in Minnesota that has redefined what is considered a non-profit operation. The decision said that a non-profit must provide a service for which there is no charge. (Don't think ETMC provides free medical care!) This is a characteristic of determination between those for profit and those not for profit. The operation in Minnesota was a 501-c-3 operation. Because of the ruling the facility is now on the property tax rolls and may lose its federal exemption for income taxes.

The feds are now going after the Mega-church leaders. It appears that many of these churches are purchasing land for investment purposes and not actual church use. They are also interested how an operation is considered non-profit, but pays the church leader $1 million plus a year to the chief church leader. I have a problem with a church that purchases real estate for investment purposes. If a profit is made on the investment then income taxes should be paid. Also, they should have to go back and repay local property taxes for the years they held the real estate. Better yet I think a church should only be allowed to exempt X number of dollars from local property taxes. This will prevent real estate speculation by churches.

Folks, look out. All levels of government are in need of additional funds. Those that got by in the past are now on the radar screen!

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