Sunday, May 25, 2008



Here We Go Again - The PISD just received a sound defeat in regards to their bond proposal and they have it on their agenda for an upcoming meeting the last week of May.

The revolutionary change message of defeat was Loud and Clear with 65% saying NO. Perhaps the PISD needs to use the taxpayer money they already have in reserve to address their issues before they come and ask us to install a tax increase on us the property owners who actually own the school district. We sent a message that we don't think you are managing the people's resources right, so clean-up your act first. Did they not get the message!

If every school trustee had been running for re-election three weeks ago with an opponent they would have experienced the same as Mr. Stansbury. They would have been turned out into the streets and we would have a complete NEW board of trustee's today. Wake up trustees and don't let the central office administration leadership sink your ship!

The battle armour has barely been shed; however, it looks like we will have to strategize a battle plan and suit-up once again to protect our rights of ownership.

1 comment:

Taxes R US said...

I am just trying to stay fit for exercising my freedom of Speech in the next battle.

Recently, I returned from a 16-day trip to our nation’s capitol where I visited some our historical sites and several of our national Museums. During this period, I read several books on the evolution of our government, our economic system and the meaning of democracy. More than ever before, I realize how fortunate I am to have been born in our country.

Understanding the evolution of our government, our free enterprise system and the meaning of democracy by all of our citizens and those who want to become citizens of our country is now more vital than ever before. How we react and adapt to world changes in the near future may determine our survival and the quality of the lives of those who come after us.

Some writers and public speakers are giving a lot of attention to changes taking place in our country and across the world, especially, the energy, economic, education, credit and other crises in our country. Some are making suggestions about how we might adapt. Unfortunately, those who seem to understand our predicament do not write or speak at levels easily understood by most citizens. Most of them deal with a number of related factors.

Anyone trying to understand our economy and some related issues might start with the recent book by George Soros, a billionaire who made his fortune in various financial markets. He is now a philanthropist and a critic of our current administration and some of our country’s foreign policies.

Mr. Soros is not a mainstream economist, but he should be heard. His book on “the credit crisis of 2008 and what it means” is short, and a little difficult to read. Others who read this column might share other titles, publications, and other sources of information on topics related or mentioned in the second paragraph.

In these uncertain times we all need to stay informed on the national and international news that affect our lives. Learning less about unusual crimes and things people do to one another would not be missed.