Sunday, May 11, 2008

Because one's life is not in the

abundance of his possessions.

"The elite challenged the peasants and they rose to the challenge." -unknown

This statement is true in some regards involving the bond issue. Exception, the word elite should be replaced with establishment.

Most believe that the PISD has some issues that need to be addressed. Many are asking about the pictures that have appeared in the local paper over the past two weeks. If it is this bad then why has the PISD trustees and school administration not already responded. They have a rather large pot of money in reserve for such items. I trust that the PISD has not been creating these problems in order to get a bond issue passed.

We can fully expect the PISD board of trustees to come forth with a new bond proposal in the near future. Hopefully the PISD board of trustees and school administration is open to a more neutral facilities committee and a more unbiased way to assess the real needs. I recall one gentlemen speaking at the second meeting held at Emmanuel Baptist Church and his suggestion was a facilities committee of all outside (non-school and non-school related) individuals. The group must be given access to whatever engineering firms, etc. the school uses for question and answer. This individual felt that the school people had already completed their task in regards to what they felt needed to be done. The outside independent committee would validate the research conducted by the schools personnel and come forth with recommendations.

The school now has a greater public relation issues that now cast doubt on the administration of the PISD. The bond was defeated by a 65% to 35% margin. I was fully expecting this issue to be a 51% to 49% vote against the bond. The peasants have sent a message that they are not happy with the PISD. With such a large margin of defeat it may have been a message that no matter how small the bond amount the PISD may have a hard time getting a positive outcome at the polls.

Perhaps it is time for the PISD trustees to start addressing some of the issues like having the folks who manage the school system reside within the boundaries of the school district. After all if they are going to push for a bond they need to be in a position to experience its results. Trustees need to look out for the best interest of the taxpayers and put personal agendas and personal conflicts aside for the betterment of the children and the taxpayers. I would say this is the reality of the incumbent being beat by the same margin. For those board members up for re-election next year you have been served notice that we are paying attention and we are listening. Our expectations are greater than what you may have been led to believe! Worst you assumed we don't care about what goes on at the PISD. Property owners have felt that there has only been one board member lately that they can align with and sees things in similar order.

The ball is once again back in the court of the PISD.................................................

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