Thursday, August 7, 2008

School districts across the state are claiming the need for higher taxes due to the increased gasoline prices and utilities costs. A good business manager would have saw this coming and started planning long before now. Most schools have a lot of overpaid overhead and this is the reason they can't meet the budget. Now they want to blame it on the higher fuel and utility costs. Guess they figure the family budget is immune to these higher fuel and utility costs!

It is like 'give it to Mikee he eats anything' and schools are saying 'give it to the taxpayers they pay for anything'. Educrats need to wake-up from that 'bonding' feeling and come to grips that the taxpayer is tired of getting 'hosed'!

If superintendents were elected positions - NOT one would stand a chance for reelection. Then again wasted money, low test scores, high dropout rates, etc. might be considered the norm.


outsider said...

I say shut'em down!!!

Anonymous said...

"I say shut'em down!!!"

sounds like bob roe, jeff sneed, and their other buddies

Well, while yall are whining... Pittsburg is not in that problem. They are smart and have room for times like this with fuel. And Test scores are UP!! Pittsburg is by far the best school in this area!! Test scores say so, taachers say so, and your tax rates say so!! so SHUT UP!!

outsider said...

"TAACHERS" I see your a product of the public education system too.

our money said...

test scores are up - must not have read the same article that everyone else read in the Mt. Pleasant Tribune.

Guess the PISD is getting ready to put forth another bond proposal need more room for all the overhead and dead weight.

Twilight Super is doing a bang up job of sinking the ship! Hope you all have your life vest - cause the Capitan of the PISD is lost at sea.

txnotax said...

Come On Bdawn: Use your fantastic English language sklills learned at the PISD. May I remind you that subject and predicate should match, e.g., Pittsburg & they is wrong; times like this is wrong. How about times like these???? You can't carry on an intelligent conversation if you can't even write a clear sentence/paragraph. But then again, I've learned that liberals run on pure emotion....facts and clear (well written) logic are never allowed to get in the way of hysteria. Your parents should ask for the money back that they spent at the PISD on you because they really got screwed big time.