Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tired of Renting your Home from the Government?

The House Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform chaired by Representative John Otto will meet on Tuesday August 19, at 11 a.m. at the Lonestar North Harris College Performing Arts Theatre located at 2700 W. W. Thorne (north of the Bush Continental Airport) in Houston, 77073.

The Senate Finance Committee, subcommittee on Property Appraisal and Revenue Caps, is slated to meet Wednesday, Aug 20 at 9 am in Austin at the Capitol, E1.028.

AFP encourages taxpayers to attend and provide legislators with your input and any property tax experiences you want to share with the committee. Remember that government goes to those who show up. It’s your government and your obligation as a citizen-taxpayer to get involved. If you believe your property taxes and appraisals are not fair, do something about it. Most public testimony is limited to 3 minutes and all you need do is sign up, and when called, introduce yourself and speak. More info found

AFP member and watchdog Jason Moore drove from Odessa to the August 12 hearing in Lubbock. He highlighted the relationship between higher property taxes and higher local government and school district spending. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal reported, “Jason Moore said people have been conditioned into thinking fancy-looking schools will produce brighter minds. And so they put up with the excesses. ‘They think if we build a school out of all the gold bars in Fort Knox, their kids are going to come out little MENSA members,’ Moore said.” The Journal also quoted Gary Boren, former Lubbock city councilman, “I think our citizens - our residents in the Panhandle - are mad as hell about what's been going on with their appraisals and our property taxes.'

Another House committee hearing will be taking place in El Paso on Tuesday, August 26, at 1:00 p.m. in the El Paso Community College Board of Trustees Room #A200. The location is 9050 Viscount in El Paso, 79925.

Wondering where your promised property tax cut is? Read our latest blog post on the topic

Courtesy of the folks at Americans For Prosperity

1 comment:

outsider said...

Off Topic: did you know that Texas laws requires Presidential candidates to file 70 days prior to the election, and both Dems and Reps missed it? they will have to break the law to be on the ballot in Texas in Nov. FYI