Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stossel on problems with public schools

EducationNews.org today links to a column reviewing a recent special report on "20/20" by John Strossel. He had a provocative title: "Are American Kids Stupid?" I missed the report. From the column it looks like it was a good report. John Strossel covered some of the problems with public education. He mentions how when American students enter public schools they are comparable with students in other countries, but over time they fall behind.His solution is to have some kind of voucher system. I think vouchers would be a great improvement.



outsider said...

John Stossel is a Libertarian. :)

outsider said...

Childbirth is right about making people stupid, they are doing a great job of it.

outsider said...

Hey,what happened to bdawn? If anybidy nose her tel her I mis her mispeld Rants.