Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where your education money goes

Friends at EmpowerTexans call it Inspired Waste..........................

Teachers are spending tax dollars for retreats at the Gaylord Texan resort and convention center in nearby Grapevine. They'll be staying at the expensive convention complex, hearing from motivational speakers, and blowing a big wad of cash intended to raise test scores. It is just amazing that it takes a venue like this to inspire people who are suppose to love what they do in order to do their job (guess someone has to pay for their family vacation). Then again one must ask - Is raising test scores the primary objective of a teacher? The job of a teacher is the education of students! Forget the test scores and let teachers teach, and you want have to waste taxpayer dollars at places like the Gaylord Texan resort getting teachers to focus on improving test scores.

What ever happened to the concept of the Region Service Centers providing this type of motivational training? Guess the service centers are a lost cause as well - most are run by retired superintendents who could not fulfill their original responsibilities.

"With all the administration buildings, sports stadiums, complexes and performing arts centers, one wonders why these bureaucratic pep rallies cannot be held on district-owned property." Guess the use of these facilities for these type of activities would justify the need for such taxpayer fund waste. Then again educrats would not get that 'bonding' feeling!


outsider said...

I still say shut the whole thing down.We could still have a football game if we wanted to.

outsider said...


Anonymous said...

I really do pray for you guys on here at night, you all really need some help. There are some real lost people out in this world. Wake Up!!

Hey, yall do good I hear at the meetings of telling the school what you would do.... Im gonna come to your place of work, or your home and tell you how to run your lives and whats best for you.... sounds stupid right.. exactly

outsider said...

If you will give me the amount of money they take from us, You are more than welcome to come on over and tell me how to run my life. I'll pay as much attention to you as they do to us.