Sunday, March 6, 2011

More stimulus trivia

Of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act two years ago, approximately $100 billion went to schools. Folks that is $100 BILLION, and not one school can show much of a return on the federal dollars invested on education under the act. Anyone ever hear the term 'black hole'? Public schools are a 'black hole'.

The Texas Education Agency has conducted random audits of the funds received by local districts and has determined that most of the funds were not misused. Kind of hard to misuse funds when they had no real targets to hit in the first place. In 2009 one school district in Texas apparently hired 290 additional employees with stimulus funds. It is now 2011 and the same school district recently approved a reduction in force plan of 290 employees. This particular school district in 2009 received $105 million of the $100 billion of stimulus funds.

Texas received $6.42 billion in stimulus funds. It appears that a great deal of the stimulus funds received by Texas was used for educator in-service training opportunities at some really nice resorts.

We wonder why teacher lay-offs are a possibility.


Taxes R US said...

My Last Rejected Letter To The Editor

My comments here are related to some of OM's blogs and to the comments made by some of those who have responded.

Over the years I have expressed some of my thoughts about what has been, what is, and what might be in Camp County. Some have disagreed with the unifying thoughts of most of my LTEs.

The thought that the inflated property appraisals the resulting property taxes, and nonessential overspending by our tax dependent entities was causing economic harm to current residents was opposed by those entities and those within their sphere of influence. Few believed that they were being trapped in their over valued homes. What do they now think?

The thought that we were being misled by our elected leaders was unpopular. This thought was opposed by those elected and appointed to positions of power and influence. This thought was opposed by the small number of voters who elected them.

The thought that some of our elected and appointed officials lacked the intelligence and knowledge to lead our county and schools was opposed by the small group which seem to run our county. The silent majority remained silent. What does the silent majority think today about our elected officials?

Now we all face the consequences of being led by those who overspent our taxes and are attempting to push us all into future debt. Now we face the consequences of placing play above academic and vocational training. Now we face the consequences of being led by those who may lack the ability to adapt to reality.

Now is the time to think and act as intelligent human beings. Now many of us are being forced to realize that we need the help of others and what comes from our government comes from us.

Perhaps, now, is the time that time for all of us to adapt to the new realities associated with too much debt and our declining international influence.

Now is the time for us to make many changes. A major change that is needed is in the operation of many of our public schools. Our public schools should be restructured.

Now is the time to downsized public schools. Now is the time that some unemployed parents can assume a greater role in educating the future generation. Now is the time that those retirees and others capable of teaching to step forward and work with our public schools and the home schooling community. Now is the time for utilizing the teaching and learning technologies used by many successful large and small companies, businesses, and motivated individuals to educate today’s students.

At this time some may wish to pray. Some may oppose being misled. As for me, I will continue to point out the likely consequences of following those who mislead us. I will continue to suggest things that are possible. I am too old to try to lead. Still I care.

I apologize for not editing what I have written. I know that I do ramble. It comes with old age.

Bob Roe

hornsfan said...

To Taxes R US,

You speak the truth, whether some of our neighbors choose to listen is another issue.

Knowing full well that the State will reduce its revenue to PISD by some $2.8M, the SB has spent (foolishly IMHO) $700K for the former church building. For what?
Their architech told them at least six months ago that it was unfit for a school.

Is this leadership or foolishness?

Yet, here's the Super wringing her hands, moaning that she has too little money to run the schools, so she now lobbys for - - - wait
for it - - -WHY, SURE - - -more taxes.

Is there no common sense left?

Insanity is defined as doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

How's that working for us?