Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Broke, Busted and Fed Up

8.25% Sales Tax
3.7% Property Tax
12% Fuel Tax
26% Income Tax
1% Franchise Tax (Yes, you pay for it in the higher costs associated with purchased items)
9-15% Sin Tax
10% Insurance Tax

While attending a coffee shop round table last week in a neighboring community I learn that according to a recent report on CNBC a popular business network reported that 51% of those working are now working for YOU the taxpayers. 51% of those currently on payrolls now work for a governmental entity in the United States (calculating correctly that only leaves 49% of those employed working for private industry). One can see with all the taxes listed above taxpayers have no more money to pay the governmental payrolls. Taxpayers need to lay-off workers so they can feed their families, pay their mortgages, etc. Taxpayers don't like the lay-offs anymore than the government employee; however, we can't afford to keep you on OUR payroll.

"There is not sufficient return on the taxpayers investment for all the not so intelligent decisions (the choice of words was more colorful) made by our employees, so in the best interest of all the doors should be closed. Governmental entities have achieved their desired goal of making us all equals in that no one earns an income and we all struggle to survive. The only folks getting rich today are the ones being paid by the government to work and not work."

"I'll bet I am a better survivor than they for I know hard work. Noting came easy and I worked hard for everything they made me give up. If I catch'um in my vegetable garden helping themselves to my veggies cause their hungry and don't know how to work then they need to be prepared to receive salted buckshot in their 'hind end'. Even with us both broke and down-n-out I will still have more, because I know how to work hard to earn it. Don't let me catch'um sneaking around in my garden patch cause these ain't the good old days of yesteryear."

The quote was from a not to happy local round table participant. Don't know who 'they' is, but if I were on a payroll of a governmental entity I would not be sneaking around in any of the local garden patches. Salted buckshot has got to stinggggggggggg!

1 comment:

Taxes R US said...

Suggestions For Cuts In School Taxes

Property taxes should be based on the current values determined by the market. If no market exists then the national decline in real estate values should be used to make cuts in property taxes.

Public schools should cut programs that are not needed for college or a vocation. (Parents and others who want extracurricular programs to continue should pay for such programs.)

Programs that lack standards should be eliminated.