Sunday, May 2, 2010

Absurdity in finest form

The Educrats are at it again! They are doing their best to teach responsibility; however, they have no clue as to how best to educate a student in value judgement. First, one must lead by example, and this is a poor demonstration of leadership by example.

Suit Over How to Grade Students Pits Districts Against Texas
from the Texas Insider

"Eleven Texas school districts will ask an Austin judge today if they can keep cutting a break to students who badly fail courses despite a new law mandating truthful grading.

The districts — most are in the Houston area — are suing state Education Commissioner Robert Scott over his interpretation of the bill, which he says requires schools to give students accurate grades on their report cards. The districts maintain they can keep their policies that set minimum failing grades — typically a 50 — even if students deserved lower.

In their lawsuit, the districts argue that the statute, which took effect this school year, applies only to class assignments, not to semester or six- or nine-week grades on report cards.
The law does not mention report card grades, but the bill’s author, Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, has said she intended it to cover all types of grades.

The Fort Bend, Aldine, Klein, Alief, Anahuac and Clear Creek school districts filed the lawsuit in November, with Humble, Deer Park, Eanes, Dickinson and Livingston joining later. At today’s hearing, they are seeking a temporary injunction to keep Scott from voiding their minimum grading policies.

Scott, who is being represented by the Texas Attorney General’s office, is asking civil state District Judge Gisela Triana-Doyal to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing in part that he doesn’t have the power to enforce the grading law and that there’s not a specific student’s case in dispute."


from Christian Archer

"I’m tired of the lame excuse that the psyches of the students can be permanently damaged if they have to experience that they underachieved. Part of maturing and growing up is to accept the responsibility for you actions (grades). In my opinion, we have an immature nation today because our education system and the norm of today’s societal values teaches people that they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions.

I’ve heard MATURITY defined as “the ability to accept the responsibility for one’s actions.”"

CW Jensen

"My principal used to try and get me to give grades to students that were NOT deserved.I said if I sign those RECORDS they represent my REPUTATION.My REPUTATION is worth more than this job.When I retired they did NOT believe I was really retiring because I was always threatening to quit.PEOPLE your REPUTATION is all you will have after you die………………………Make sure you were always TRUE to yourself."

from Erin

"As a teacher, I never “give” students grades – they earn them. If I were to give a student a higher grade than he earned, it would devalue the hard-earned grades of all the other students. As in real life, being fair means giving everyone the same opportunity to succeed according to consistently-applied standards, and actions have consequences.

You said it, Christian – the most valuable lesson schools can teach today is accepting responsibility. Too bad most of our elected officials didn’t learn that lesson."

If a judge allows this case to stand then he/she should be IMPEACHED!


outsider said...

The northeast Texas coordinator for the Libertarian party will be in Gilmer Tues May11. At the Buckeye cafe 300 s.wood (hwy 271) 6:30pm everyone is invited. come find out more about the Libertarian party of Texasa

Taxes R US said...

It Is Important To Be represented On Local School Boards

Most of our problems in public education can be traced back to our local school boards and those who vote in school board elections.

Local school boards approve higher and higher budgets. The administrators have an unlimited capacity to find ways to spend more money; they hire more people than are needed; they give pay raises to some who do not deserve them; they cause the building of unneeded structures- which must be maintained; they waste money on their pet programs; they seldom seek efficiencies that would reduce their budgets; their wants never decrease; they obligate us to pay more and more taxes. The process is gradual until one day they decide on a bond election. All they need is a board that they control.They know that the voter turnout will usually be in their favor in school board elections. In a recent school board election less than 15 percent of the eligible voters bothered to vote.

Before you drop out of trying to influence local school board elections look at the projected budget of the PISD, the projected demographics, and your projected income in ten years. Will you be able to pay the bill? Will you want to pay the bill?

Is it stupidity or apathy that prevents us from banding together to control our futures in our own neighborhoods?

I think that this blog should be expanded to provide news and uncensored information for Camp County. I think that there are a lot of people who are ready to express their thoughts and sign their names.

Bob Roe

Cicerone said...

Right on, Doctor Bob.

outsider said...

who won the school board election?

outsider said...

Oh I see one more trouble maker is off the school board. I'm looking forward to see if one of these will stand up for the tax payers.

glimmerman said...

When a superintendent starts losing board elections it is time for them to go. Twil-lite may not be smart enough to know this. May 2011 will bring more of the same.

sojourner said...

Brison, you are blaming the wrong people for losing the school board race. You should blame yourself for following Twi-lite. She has led you down the road to ruin. Your loss was inevitable after you sided in with her to build the Pollan-Manley's edifice (multi-use facility). That was the last straw for you.
Taxpayers are tired of this type of out-of-control spending. This is what Pollan is known for. Just ask the folks from Morris County. They will tell you she is a know nothing, conniving individual that will play you for what she can personally benefit from.
Your number was up because of your role in hiring and firing personnel (or seeing that it was done).
You tried to hide behind the process but the staff members knew of your schemes. Some central office personnel kept us all informed to what you were up to.
Twi-lite will need to find another mushroom to replace you.

Constitutional said...

Very well said SayItAintSoBob! (From another Form)
These guys need to give the new members respect. I take back Camp County being 70% for the school and 30% against. It is more like 90% for the school and 10% against. Saturday’s vote proved that.
Camp County has a little under 8,000 registered voters. Only 850 came out to vote.
That vote was split by the ones that were really opposed to the school board, and those strongly for the school board. Also with the guy Bobby was campaigning for lost says a lot also.
Close to 7,000 people in Camp County are ok, happy, approve, or fine with the school board as it has been conducting itself. We always know in an election that the voters that are strongly for or against will show up. That is split in this county by less than 10% while the rest are OK with how things are run. Good Job School Board, and keep up the great work.
90% - Agree with the Board
5% - Strongly for the Board
5% - Strongly Against

Constitutional said...

"Taxes R US said...
It Is Important To Be represented On Local School Boards....."

Bob, How bad did you get beat when you ran for school board!? Ouch! I saw on the news where a mayor that was still on the ballot got re-elected even when he had died weeks before... I think he would have beat you too!

outsider said...

Not voting does not mean you agree with how things are, in most cases it means its so bad that people have given up hope.

Cicerone said...

Outsider, point well taken.

Cicerone said...

Bubba's back.

Taxes R US said...

PittCares, as I acknowledged elsewhere three years ago, Mr. Brison beat me because he ran a better campaign than I did, he was an incumbent, he had name recognition, and he had the support of several special interest groups. You are probably right. A dead incumbent could have beaten me. Even a local drunk could have probably beaten me.

Apparently, those who read the Pittsburg Gazette and vote in school board elections do not consider a college education or college degrees necessary for serving on the PISD school board. Apparently, state and national recognitions are not valued by those associated with the PISD.

Dr. Bob Roe

Taxes R US said...

Support Pollan, please explain how you obtained the data for your opinion poll in a Letter To The Editor of the Pittsburg Gazette.

Bob Roe

Taxes R US said...

To: PittCares, SuperSuper,SupportPollan and/or

I still think that this blog should be expanded to provide news and uncensored information for Camp County. I think that there are a lot of people who are ready to share their thoughts and sign their names. Until you are man, woman, or other enough to sign your name, I will not respond to you on this blog site.

Bob Roe

Bob Roe

Constitutional said...

You all with your 5% keep crying....

Constitutional said...

"To: PittCares, SuperSuper,SupportPollan and/or

I still think that this blog should be expanded to provide news and uncensored information for Camp County. I think that there are a lot of people who are ready to share their thoughts and sign their names. Until you are man, woman, or other enough to sign your name, I will not respond to you on this blog site.

Bob Roe

Bob Roe"

Hallelujah!! We are one step closer to having civil and meaningful conversations from the 5%!

Constitutional said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constitutional said...

"Not voting does not mean you agree with how things are, in most cases it means its so bad that people have given up hope."

Outsider, that's by far one of the craziest things I have read on this blog. You really are an outsider to reality. IF your not happy how things are you vote to change them. If you are happy with things or just don't care, then you stay home. A 10 year old could figure that out

Constitutional said...

So who is Bob's next target of hate speech going to be towards... Don't worry, I am sure we will see it play out on the 16% blog.
Let's at least give them 16%.... It might make their head a little bigger.

our money said...

For those of you who think that not voting is a sign of things being OK:

"Survey found that nonvoters are disproportionately young, single, less educated and more likely to be of an ethnic minority than infrequent and frequent voters. 40 percent of nonvoters are under 30 years old, compared to 29 percent of infrequent voters and 14 percent of frequent voters. Infrequent voters are much more likely to be married than nonvoters, with 50 percent of infrequent voters married compared to only 34 percent of nonvoters. 76% of nonvoters have less than a college degree, compared to 61 percent of infrequent voters and 50 percent of frequent voters. Among nonvoters, 54 percent are white or Caucasian compared to 60 percent of infrequent voters and 70 percent of frequent voters."

"Survey found that family and friends influence how infrequent voters decide to vote as much as daily newspapers and TV news. Among infrequent voters, 65 percent said conversations with their families and local newspapers were influential sources of information when it comes to making voting decisions. Network TV news rated as influential among 64 percent, followed by cable TV news at 60 percent, and conversations with friends at 59 percent. For more than half of the infrequent voters surveyed, phone calls and door-to-door contact by political campaigns are not influential sources of information when deciding how to vote.

The survey also found that family upbringing plays a strong role in determining voting habits as adults. 51 percent of nonvoters surveyed said they grew up in families that did not often discuss political issues and candidates."

"Some people don't vote simply for the reason that nothing will change with or without their participation."

"Every candidate states that they are making it a priority to address the same issues, election after election and nothing ever changes or gets done. The people who don't vote are tired of hearing the same rhetoric from the candidates who accomplish nothing throughout their term of office. Why should they keep voting if nothing changes?" - Nanette Piotrowski

"In most elections there is a greater amount of non-voters than voters. People who don't vote are often apathetic, too lazy, thoughtless, or they belong to a religious organization that does ot condone voting." - Thomas Gregory

For all those who thought that the 90% who did not vote because they liked the status quo - WRONG! In our society majorities still win regardless of who votes. Those who do not vote have to abide by the wishes of the majority who won the race in this country. Many do not favor Obama Care, being that they hold the majority we all must comply until we can muster up a majority to undo Obama Care. The same holds true for local races!

We now know who slept during their Civics lesson when covering the topic of voting while in school. Be willing to bet that many posting on this blog did not vote in the school board race due to other commitments, i.e. ball tournaments, boating on the lake, working in the yard, just plain forgot, etc.

I am interested in any research, surveys, etc. that prove the theory that the reason why 90% did not vote is because they are satisfied with status quo. This would be 'outstanding' research that all political parties could use to their advantage when conducting campaigns for candidates. Bill White (D) candidate for Texas Governor would like to have this research to aid in his campaign and I am sure Rick Perry (R) candidate for Texas Governor would like to have this research as well.

Constitutional said...

Awww. Our Money did it take you that long to find that? That is talking about non-voters… I am talking about registered voters! Come on now you’re smarter than that! Don’t try to spin things now. So what you are saying is that only 800 and so people in Camp County are educated! Wow. More, rude, hateful speech!
You cant make up stuff when the facts are so strong.

glimmerman said...

Our Money, you are trying to reason with a person who has not a clue where you are coming from. Bubba is too simple to understand what you are saying. He will eventually delete all of these posts that he has made and go away for a few days. Bubba will be back again as someone else. He has been supportpollan, pittcares, sayitain'tsobob,supersuper and no telling who else. He is so simple that he forgets what he posts and gives himself away. It must be the mind altering substances.

glimmerman said...

There is something going on with Twi-lite and Brison's recount of the votes of the board election. It would not surprise me to see some extra votes for Brison show up from somewhere. They are not trustworthy. You can not trust a liar and both of them have proven that they are.
I hope Mrs. Miller knows that Pollan campaigned against her.

glimmerman said...

It is past time for Pollan to go back where she came from. She is not needed in PISD. Her future as superintendent is bleak. The days, weeks and months are going to get longer for her.

Taxes R US said...

Glimmerman, please humor the blogger with multiple aliases or personalities. Please keep this blogger on line. I have copied his, her, or its postings. I am trying to analyze the style and thought patterns. So far I have only detected sound. The sense seems to be missing.

Perhaps this individual had an unhappy childhood and its brain and mind did not develop normally. This individual seems to misunderstand others and to jump to conclusions. It seems to have a very limited number of responses. The phrase “hate speech” seems to be used over and over again in responding to others or to things that are not understood. This individual seems unable to be specific, to focus, or grasp concepts. This individual seems insensitive to the problems of others, like those of the school board candidates

This individual asks for respect. Please humor it until it can get some professional help. Do not hate it. Pity it.

Always be grateful for being born with a normal brain and living in a nurturing environment. Always remember that things could be worse. You could be like it.

Constitutional said...

It's funny how you believe they are all the same person when you do not even have SuperSuper right! Pollan is doing a great job and the votes and support is there. How about you guys go back to your tea party and think of ways you can talk more hate speech and accuse people on here of being who they are not.

Constitutional said...

For myself and the many so called natives to this town, (since you like to separate us all) would like to see "glimmerman" be deleted from this blog or put on probation. In the last three posts he has called two people by name accusing them or wrongful doing and hateful name calling. He has also told lies that are not true. Remember "glimmerman" everyone can see your post and when slander and wrongful accusations are said, the right people are also seeing this.