Thursday, May 13, 2010

Election formality is over

Came real close to shutting this blog site down last week. Then again I decided that the host was not the reason for all the 'hateful' attitudes. Individual behavior was the reason. The blog was not created for those who do not know how nor choose to get along. The purpose was to bring forth and debate issues related to local, state, national, and within the international arena.

After you have tried to educate someone as to your point of view and they don't agree then move on! There is no cause for shouting matches at the round table as reportedly took place on election day at a local round table. Passion is one thing, but hateful bliss is another. I now know why there are so few 'real' neighbors in this community. Then again I guess this can be said about most communities these days.

Us outsiders have torn the fabric of the local community with our relocation's for a better way of life. This appears to be the thought pattern of the insiders. We outsiders are not here to tear the fabric we are here to enhance. The insiders must be willing to listen to our thoughts. You don't have to agree! However, at the very least listen. You are using our tax money just as you are using your own to support the functions of government. Many of us outsiders have seen a better way due to the experience we gained from the community in which we came. All outsiders will agree the better way we experienced in another community may not be the better way in this community; however, you must be open to the idea that a better way exist.

As time moves forward the outsiders in this community will become the majority according to several demographic studies. By the way this does not only apply to this community this applies to all small communities in the state. Insiders and outsiders need to find common ground from which to work.


hornsfan said...

Dear Our Money,

Sounds like you almost fell into a trap designed to make you close this site down. If I were one of the "elites", who have decided it's their life-mission to run this burg, I would want you gone.

You are the only game left in town, in terms of a way to freely discuss, and even argue, important issues. The local rag's publisher, in her self-appointed omniscience, has deemed that readers' thoughts, as expressed in Letters to the Editor, has limited us to TWO posts per YEAR. Almost every other paper within a 50-mile radius has a limit of at least ONE per MONTH.

Whilst Big Brother is busy in other locales, Big Sister has come to Pittsburg.

Somebody has gotten to the newspaper and forced them to tone down/limit thought that does not comport with the plans of the "Elites".

So . . . . . I urge you to stand fast. Do not bend to the pressures or the insults that will come your way. You and I have every bit as much right to our thoughts and opinions as anyone else. If they can force you to go away, then they have won and you and I have lost.

There are ways to curb those who will misuse your site. Warn them once, then refuse to accpt their posts. Or send me their emails addresses. (heh heh)

You are doing something right here, or your local naysayers would not be screeching.

Ask Alan Brison. (wink)

Constitutional said...

Thank you Our Money for trying to calm your group down. People in Pittsburg really do not care for this web site and only get on here to defend the name calling, hate speech, and lies that are posted on this blog.
Your post is one step closer to knowing what respect is for others, no matter if they think the same way you do or not.
Next you need to work on getting away from being "insiders" and "outsiders". Until you can see everyone as one, discussion can not begin in any debate.
And Roe, I still don't see any hope for you, but it is good to see it from Our Money.

Constitutional said...

"As time moves forward the outsiders in this community will become the majority according to several demographic studies. By the way this does not only apply to this community this applies to all small communities in the state. Insiders and outsiders need to find common ground from which to work."

Several demographic studies? I love the things you guys make up. Well here is you a study. The average "insider" "native", whatever you would like to call them, is 30-40 years of age. The average "outsider" or person who moved here, is 70-80 years of age. So if you can see what happens when you get older, your study would not work in your case.

Constitutional said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constitutional said...

Also here is some good information from area schools about athletic scholarships. Many, Many, Many football scholarships were giving to graduating seniors this year ranging from $50,000 to $100,000. I am so happy that Pittsburg has the proper athletic facilities so our students can and want to be apart of athletics so they will be able to go on to college. Continue to bash schools over their athletics, you can not argue with facts like this as to why athletics are so important in our schools.

watchingu said...

tonight, once again Twi-Lite has led the PISD school board down an illegal path. They discussed letting the defeated board member sit on stage and hand his son his diploma. Problem, not on agenda. Problem two, if it was, it would cause graduation ceremonies to last for four hours, because every parent would have to be afforded the same opportunity. Only an idiot would even suggest such an absurd thought. I understand this lack of wisdom came from twi-lite via the Friday notes she sends to board members. She tells them they can not discuss what happens in closed meetings so she can have the board discuss things behind closed doors,keeping us mushrooms in the dark. It is a shame the board members will not study the Texas Education Code, where they could find out they can not discuss things not on the agenda, but they can tell their recollection of what happens behind the closed doors as long as they do not bring out a tape recording or the certified agenda. It is sad, because this would demand a little effort on the part of a board member

Constitutional said...

Watchingu... Grow Up! Learn something and educate yourself and then your post will make better sense. Let him be there for ONE student, his son, and let him give him his diploma. All other schools do it for their board members; he was a board member all year! Now grow up.

watchingu said...

He spent 9 years on the board for one student, his number two son. Why should anything be different today Bubba.

Taxes R US said...

PittCares, since you consider yourself to be the voice of the natives of Camp County and Pittsburg, I will respond to some of your imaginary numbers and misconceptions. My intent is to help you earn the respect that eludes you.

The first thing that you should work on is your statistics.You should not make up numbers and percentages. You should not use average ages of insiders (natives) and outsiders. Do not count children! What counts are the property owners who vote. Some outsiders are in their late 50's. I think that most are in their 60's. You know how property owners vote. Do not forget the 25% turnout for the school bond election. Eventually, many of these property owners will start voting in school board elections.

Your post on 5/14/10 is an example of fuzzy thinking. You should get some one to help you. I am repeating your post.

"Also here is some good information from area schools about athletic scholarships. Many, Many, Many football scholarships were giving to graduating seniors this year ranging from $50,000 to $100,000. I am so happy that Pittsburg has the proper athletic facilities so our students can and want to be apart of athletics so they will be able to go on to college. Continue to bash schools over their athletics, you can not argue with facts like this as to why athletics are so important in our schools."

PittCares, please be specific when you try to justify the most expensive PISD program. Why do you mention other area schools?

Please list the PISD graduates who received football scholarships, the value of the scholarships, the names of the colleges or universities, and an
estimate how much taxpayer money was required to produce each football player who earned a scholarship.

1. What do you mean by good information?
2. Where did you obtain this information?
3. What do you mean by "many,many,many"?
4. What do you mean by proper athletic facilities?
5. Do you mean proper facilities for football ?

You failed to mention all those players who played their last game without earning a football scholarship.
Other than learning how to play as a team, and learning that those who are the best prepared often win, how have these students benefited? Some may regret not using their time in academic and vocational programs. Time will tell.

I think that it is very difficult to justify some of our expensive sports programs. Some of us get very emotional about our sports teams. Some of us get very emotional when large amounts of our tax money is spent on expensive extracurricular programs.

PittCares, if you want respect you must earn it. You should start by giving reliable information.

Incidentally, I have yet to find a native that says that you speak for them.

Bob Roe

Constitutional said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constitutional said...

Little Roe.... I thought you were not going to post back anymore!! I stopped reading your post when I looked at your name at the bottom, which everyone in Pittsburg does! I can speak for everyone on that. I only speak for myself. You have got to Grow Up sometime and become a decent person. I do hope and pray you do, someone should not live a life of bashing others and making lies to tell around town. Great post in the paper about this trash of a blog! ‘Small thoughts by little people.’

And watchingu... if you really miss Bubba you can ask someone for his number i'm sure. I bet he misses you too. You just talk about him all the time.

Constitutional said...

"PittCares, if you want respect you must earn it. You should start by giving reliable information."

I think you need to turn that quote around for yourself. I'm not the one needing or looking for respect.
You should start by giving respect and maybe someone will want to hear your cries.
'Could it be that no one wanted to hear what you had to say?'

Constitutional said...

Pittcares is right. I think Bob must have been picked on when he was in school. You might have wanted to be in athletics or have been more attentive in it and learned respect. Those that do not get a scholarship are not going to college to play football, duh. They can be whatever they want to be. Sports have taught them team work, RESPECT, dedication, social skills, etc. Everything needed in the work force. If it was not for athletics, half of the students would drop out!! Half would fail their classes because they would not have anything to look forward to. If we lived in your world, it would fall apart! You can look at ever single study or whatever you want to prove that. But of course you will find one that will fit to your liking. Your studies are OPINIONS!!! Most are opinions anyways. This does not include scholarships in Basketball, Baseball, Softball, and Music. Even basic music scholarships are worth $60,000!!!!!
People in this town are so so so tired of you and your lies, it needs to stop!

watchingu said...

I do miss bubba, his dui's,false insurance claims, judgments in Titus county courts,not paying for the inventory at the pit stop the owner trusted him with and last but not least his drunken discussions at the princedale with the little dirt man. I do miss him, NOT!

Taxes R US said...

Another Man’s Opinion

With all due respect to Mr. Knox, he should inform his readers of the origin of our difference of opinion. Most of them probably do not know that our disagreement is about the control of information and speech. Censored Letters To The Editor have recently been cut to two per person per year. It appears that the Knox team has lost its objectivity and is now going along with the special interest groups associated with our local tax-dependent entities. It appears that those associated with the tax-dependent entities do not want to be held accountable for how taxpayer money is spent.

It is clear that Mr. Knox regards himself as a leader by his use of “we”. It is clear that Mr. Knox is attempting to turn his readers against me and our local taxpayer blog. Mr. Knox suggests that no one wants to hear what I have to say. That is an opinion. Another man’s opinion is that more people need to hear more opinions than those of Mr. Knox.

From his protected bully pulpit Mr. Knox arrogantly injects his biases into the minds of his readers. Without being specific he claims to have detected some half-truths and lies on our blog. This is an attempt to get his followers to accept his biases. His attacks on our local taxpayer blog and me are attacks on those who exercise their freedom of speech. He equates his opinions to those of the church.

Mr. Knox suggests that I think that all natives are backward fools. He knows that is not what I think. It is obvious that Mr. Knox is misusing his power to influence his readers and that he underestimates their ability to see his motives. It is clear that he is opposed to competition from a local blog. He enjoys being the only show in town.

In one of his attacks on me Mr. Knox suggests that I attended Mr. Brison’s church with Mr. Richardson to make fun of Mr. Brison. This is false. My wife and I had been invited by Mr. Richardson and his family to attend their church for Mother’s Day. Although wife was unable to attend because of a knee injury, I joined the Richardson’s in celebrating Mother’s Day. The Richardson’s are church members and knew that I was considering joining a local church. I think that Mr. Knox owes all of his readers and followers an apology on this matter for questioning my right to worship.

I have never made fun of Mr. Brison. I like Mr. Brison as a person, inspite of our disagreements on issues related to conflict of interest. As a matter of interest to some, I sent our Superintendent Judy Pollan an email suggesting that she allow Mr. Brison to pass out his son’s diploma. I thought that this would be a nice gesture in recognizing a man who had given nine years of service. She thanked me for my comments. She and I have email records documenting my suggestion. I doubt that my suggestion will influence her decision.

In another of his attacks on me Mr.Knox stated that no one limited my questions and answers in public meetings. He is wrong about that. All tax-dependent entities impose time limits that limit freedom of speech. I have used up my allotted time on several occasions. Mr. Knox must not have attended the public meeting sponsored by the Pittsburg Gazette. I was cut off in less than thirty seconds in my last campaign against Mr. Brison. This was a violation of my freedom of speech. I have witnesses who were there.

In his attack on our local blog Mr. Knox describes it as a little blog for malcontented little people with small ideas. Mr. Knox knows that I always sign my name to my posts on the blog. Mr. Knox owes a lot of people apologies.

Anyone interested in following the Knox vs. Roe exchange of opinions or in expressing his or her opinions can do so by going online to the ONLY TAXPAYER MONEY blogspot. Please pass this information on to others.

Bob Roe (TAXES R US)