Thursday, May 20, 2010

The insiders really do have the power seats

Anyone know how many current members of Congress are former congressional staffers? 75

Number of these who were elected to the seat occupied by their former boss? 30

Average age of sitting US senator? 64

Average age in 1959? 58
In 1909? 58
In 1789? 47
We used to be a young country filled full of new and bright ideas. Wonder if having a senior level senate and house has something to do with thinking entitlements?

Now you all will really like this factoid: Percentage of all US stimulus funds for renewable energy since last September that have gone to foreign companies? 79
And you thought we had an uproar about shipping jobs out of country by the current administration.

Another minor detail on the immigration front: Estimated cost to locate, process, and deport all illegal immigrants in the United States as of May 20, 2010? $285,000,000,000
Now you know why I.C.E. does not work very hard at rounding up and shipping them out. You need money and we can't print enough to do the job.

Now for some international trivia.

Anyone know the percentage change in the past year in the average value of urban real estate in China? 140%

What is the total value of the 10,149 US companies acquired since 2001 by foreign interests?
The US is worth more by the piece than it is by the whole!

What is the percentage of French who think it 'somewhat' or 'very' possible they will one day become homeless? 56% Percentage of Americans who think 'somewhat' or 'very' is possible? 4%.
Guess the current and last recession failed to move folks to a more frugal mindset or they know the 'safety blanket' of the federal government will be there to pick up the slack.

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