Saturday, April 3, 2010

Their coming

Uncle Sam is coming are you prepared? Inheritance taxes will be increasing in the near future. Here is a riddle: Do you know what the dollar amount you must earn to leave your kids/grand kids $1 million?

Riddle answered: Would you believe $3 million.

How determined: If you earn that $3 million you know you are not in the lowest tax bracket! So with the future tax bracket increases coming to pay for the Obama Plan you most likely will reside in the 40% range. Gomer Pyle used to say to Sargent Carter "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!"

$3 million in the 40% bracket will cause you to be bludgeoned with an income tax bill of $1.2 million. Only $1.8 million left. When you get hit by the final 'bus', the 45% estate tax robs $800,000 more, leaving your heirs that $1 million. Is that a pretty tax picture are what? Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Gomer knew what he was talking about with the surprise!

Then again with the way it looks there may not be any inheritances in the future.


outsider said...

OFF TOPIC... I see alot of signs up for school board. are you impressed with any of these people?

our money said...

I don't know that I know any of the candidates in a personal manner. I have been asking around and doing my due diligence in order to come to an informed decision. I listen at the coffee shop round tables, read the local rag, etc.; however, this can sometimes not be a good source for critical information.

I would have to say that this is the year to remove all incumbents regardless of the seat they currently hold.

Bring forth new ideas!

The people need to be represented by the people they elect, and not side with the staff they are required to oversee.

watchingu said...

Mrs. Miller has a Masters degree, her opponent has a 32 hour diesel mechanics certification. She has been in education her entire life. She now administers discipline in Harrison County, taking care of a consolidated group of troubled youth, her opponent sits both on the appraisal board and school board where he spends most of his time when not hanging out at Parker's Auto. Running for the other position is Mr. Applegate. His family business bricks large commercial projects all over the U.S. He is not dependent on Pittsburg for his living, has a college degree, 3 children in school personable, and a businessman. His opponent preaches part time and works for Bi-County water played a year or two of college football and has no degree

sojourner said...

The "in" group does not want Mrs. Miller on the board. It appears that she might be hard to fool.
The bunch we have on the board now are mushrooms in a dark closet. Twi-Lite feeds them the same old diet of lies and conniving. Her ever move is to ensure she can keep her job and draw a big salary for not knowing anything. She plays the board for what she can get out of them. She talks a good game but everything is about her and ATHLETICS.

sojourner said...

Brison spends most of his time at PISD central office. It must make him feel important. He can sit for hours in the office of the business manger.
Is he smart enough to realize that he is taking up her time? With the enormous salary she makes he is squandering taxpayers money by wasting her time. He definitely can't enlighten her to anything but gossip.

Jim L. Richardson said...

Just got back in town from a week in Mexico. Long trip but the scenery was beautiful and the fish were biting.

I was certainly surprised to see the new contributors to the blog.

Welcome to the group folks and hopefully you will enjoy the interesting information that "Our Money" regularly furnishes us.

It must be school board election time again by reading the latest posts.

Everyone is picking on one board member. You could not have found a better one to pick on. He deserves all the picking he can get.

watchingu said...

Let's see, what has Brison voted for during his tenure.a 2.5 million dollar synthetic field and field house. a $35,000 trip for the band to march in Chicago which the boosters never paid back as agreed, $9000.00 worth of legal fees he and the 3 stooges cost teaching Mr. Richardson a lesson, $114,000.00 to send Mr. Richardson's brother home a year and a half early so his son's band director might come back. 3 budgets totaling over 2.5 worth of deficits, $25,000.00 worth of fluff in the appraisal District's budget to cover additional legal expenses which might occur under the disguise of building maintenance, and now supports a 1.7 million indoor practice facility for the band to march and the football team to practice in. 10% raise for twi-lite while jobs are being lost. He voted no for vocational, no for addition to high school cafeteria addition which would keep the children safe and out of the cold trying to eat their lunch, no for science labs, no for abolishing block schedules which would give more instructional time for electives and vocational programs, but would decrease marching time for the band. Does his record show what he is interested in? Band, appraisal office, band, band, band and band. Guess what his son's only activity is? Yep, BAND

DT4 said...

I am new to this and ran across this website. It seems to be very interesting and informative.
Is this the same guy that is in the water well business?

DT4 said...

I do know this Mrs. Miller and I think she would be great on the school board. She seems to be a free thinker and not afraid to make a stand for what she thinks is right.

steelman said...

Your twi-lite super use to be our twi-lite super. She was worthless then and sounds as if she still is. You call her a conniver and liar. You folks in Camp County may be smarter than we are. It took us a longer time to find her out. Gosh, we are glad that you have her and she no longer runs our school.

steelman said...

Your twi-lite super use to be our twi-lite super. She was worthless then and sounds as if she still is. You call her a conniver and liar. You folks in Camp County may be smarter than we are. It took us a longer time to find her out. Gosh, we are glad that you have her and she no longer runs our school.

DT3 said...

Testify Steelman.

steelman said...

If you want to improve your school it must be done with board members that will question the stupid decisions of conniving twi-lite. You need board members (which we didn't have and do not have now) that will make her tow-the-line.
I read where she violated board policy. She did that regularly here. No one on the board was smart enough to catch it. She is use to total control and doing it her way.
If she has one or two loud mouth board members she can play them for the rest of what she needs. The rest of them, as you say, she will keep in the closet and feed them as if they were mushrooms.
If that goofy Arnwine is a board member in your school district it is understandable the kind of mess you are in with twi-lite.

DT3 said...

I can't comment on Arnwine because I do not know him. Everything else you are saying is exactly the truth.

watchingu said...

I can comment, I had a child in school when he was principal. He had no discipline, provided no leadership and was a total waste of a paycheck. He was never certified to be an administrator and shouldn't have been. Very weak individual except in his own mind. He and the other coach, coach twi-lite are both cut out of the same cloth

watchingu said...

definitely, the same cloth