Monday, April 21, 2008

Reeves letter

Still 'ciphering' the letter to the editor. It is similar to a Roe letter in that you need something to drink while you read - coffee will do but it is better with a beer!

Ms. Reeves has great credentials and wordmanship (I am not even sure this is a real word, but it fits the letter to the editor). Now I ask, if the PISD has personnel who submits federal reports due to federal funds received then why would someone risk the threat of perjury?

The disclaimer is disclaiming the difference in state and federal numbers. So, once again we are back to square one in that we have three sets of numbers. Numbers provided by PISD, numbers on the TEA website, and numbers on the Dept. of Education website. Your task - decide which set you want to believe.

Evidently Ms. Reeves has not been listening to the news of late. We have been paying our taxes to make sure our food is inspected and safe, but someone has been taking our money and not inspecting our food! I don't think anyone is arguing the point that we will be paying taxes. The argument is how our taxes are being utilized. Schools seem to want to hog all the money. Cut their funding and they might start doing their job more efficiently!

How terrible is it to have lunch at 10:30 a.m.? Most students have had an early breakfast so they are most likely hungry at 10:30 a.m. Then students are released from school at 3:20 p.m. and I am sure a snack is in the plan before dinner. No student appears to go without for more than three and a half hours. Most adults have to wait five hours! This appears to be proper training on how to be an adult.

"a new auditorium is needed." Lighting and acoustics are simple issues to fix. New lights and a new light set-up that lowers from the ceiling is cheaper and it will solve the problem. Acoustic panels properly placed will do wonders. These items are less costly than a new $4 million auditorium!

Ms. Reeves must not have heard the news from the firm that presented the bond plan. The state has no money and with no money there is NO potential for the state to help with the bond issue. Folks need to quit leading other folks down the wrong path in regards to this issue. Folks need to get the facts straight on this issue for no one should be voting YES on this issue in hopes the state may/might help. Property owners who pay the bills will be footing the full 43 cent amount and this will make your total PISD tax rate $1.54. This is 10 cents higher than it was two years ago.

On the issue of growth. The US Census has shown growth in this area for the last 50 years. 50 years has gone by and our growth has been minimal (if you add an additional 43 cents on the PISD tax rate then those who may come will probably find a cheaper school tax rate elsewhere). Several demographic studies have been completed for this area by several different organizations and none show EXCESSIVE growth as you are being led to believe.

The sleazy scare tactics - you will have to decide as to which if any side is using such ................................


Anonymous said...

"The sleazy scare tactics - you will have to decide as to which if any side is using such ................................"

One vote for your side!

our money said...


Based upon an advertisement I saw by the Footprints for Future Folks I would say a vote goes to that side as well.

Someone is having a hard time with their addition skills. The advertisement showed a new tax rate of $1.43. Someone needs to explain how this can be. The state has made no commitment to helping in regards to any type of state aid. Southwest Securities has reported that there needs to be an additional tax rate increase of 43 cents to support the $36.5 million bond.

If I use the current rate of $1.11 + .43 = $1.54. Why does the other side keep coming up with less? It appears that some do not want to look at reality!

Casy46 said...

It is $1.43 - State will and has said they will pay 25%. State will pay part of all the schools that vote yes to their bond elections this year, call them and ask.

Casy46 said...

"Based upon an advertisement I saw by the Footprints for Future Folks I would say a vote goes to that side as well."

Hahaha! you guys are a hoot! keep it up!

Casy46 said...

"It appears that some do not want to look at reality!"

Thank God you have finally figured that out about your round tables group! That is what the WHOLE town is saying that yall need to do!

our money said...

casy46 guess we are back to looking at the facts.

Fact: PISD has a large economically disadvantaged school population.

Fact: These economically disadvantaged students come from economically disadvantaged homes.

Fact: Economically disadvantaged means you have little money.

Fact: If you have little money then you have little money to pay property tax increase associated with this bond election.

Fact: It appears that a small group of haves want to cause economic harm to the have nots because you want your children to attend school in a new school building.

Fact: If you support this bond election you could become one of the economically disadvantaged in this community.

Fact: If you want a new school building then donate money out of your pocket to build it, but don't commit the taxpayers to a debt they can't economically service.

our money said...

"State will pay part of all the schools that vote yes to their bond elections this year, call them and ask."

Took your advice the state responded with "they can make no commitments to help fund school building programs until after the legislature meets in 2009. At the present time little to no money was available."

Anonymous said...

"casy46 guess we are back to looking at the facts.


Wow! how in the world did they make it two years ago then... sounds like your guess?