Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our lesson

Our lesson is this: they’re using OUR money so we have every right to oversee its use and ask how it is used.

Their money comes from property taxes you pay, sales taxes you pay, business taxes you pay, federal income taxes you pay, etc.

Don't be shy about asking questions and holding them accountable. If you don't then you will find your little piggy bank empty one day!

Why do I write this, the PISD has now crossed the boundary line in regards to solicitation. Sending children home to tell their parents that they must come to the school to see why they need a new school. This crosses the line! This is a vote solicitation and not an impartial data sheet. It has been reported that a student in the younger grades reported home to his parents and said "the teacher says you have to come to the school to see the reason why we need the bond to pass." This is a strong arm tactic for a Pro vote, and this is not allowed under the laws of this state in regards to bond elections. This might be an over zealous teacher, regardless the PISD administration needs to step in and remind all school employees what they can and cannot do in regards to a bond election. If they don't then they put this bond election in jeopardy and subject a Pro outcome to an overturn through the judicial system.

The ironic thing about this child - he is a young child and will only repeat what he is told, and the child does not attend high school. What building is proposed to be new - a high school. The educrats need not use the young children as their mouthpiece, and are prohibited by law from doing so.

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