Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 2, 2010 has come and gone

I hope you did your part on November 2, 2010 and if you failed to go to the polls then keep your opinions to yourself. If you did not participate in the election then you failed to earn the privilege to express your opinions.

Local races went about as expected.

Races for state offices produced some major surprises. The state House of Representatives will be vastly different when it comes to order in January 2011. Republican candidates won in some previously well known Democratic districts. Several Republican Hispanic members join the ranks of the Texas House delegation. I would look for the budget to be reduced in a 'major' way, Arizona Immigration Law is on the table, Voter ID is back, no new taxes (this does not include increasing user fees), and school choice will be in play. For those folks who thought enhanced gaming was coming to Texas - FORGET IT.

As to the National scene one can only say the landscape has changed in a major way with regards to the U.S. Congressional House of Representatives. Even in Texas most if not all the Blue Dog Democrats lost their seats. Stalemate and compromise will be the order of business within the beltway over the next two years.

Changing the leadership in our country means more than simply winning arguments or winning elections. Real leadership must determine how best to change how our leaders think about the Constitution. How they think about economic growth, and about issues with regards to war and peace. Real leaders should not spend time bashing Obama and the minority party. It is a waste of time! Real leaders will quickly move forward to accomplish the people's business of getting Americans back to work, and moving the country back to the front of the bus.

In these unprecedented times for our country the new leadership must determine how to cultivate leaders who truly appreciate the ideals that made America great, and how will work towards restoring America's greatness over the long haul.