Saturday, November 13, 2010

Educrats fire up the engines

With a looming budget shortfall certain to challenge legislative budget writers, special interests are lining up claiming they have cut to the bone and need additional funding.

First in line appears to be the education lobby.

The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and the Equity Center have each recently claimed that more education money is needed and that the public is happy to fork it over. TASB commissioned a poll claiming most Texans want more money for education and are willing to support a tax increase for smaller class sizes and higher teacher pay.

Granted, if we asked Texans, “Do you think we should raise taxes to hire more administrators at six-figure salaries?” we would likely get a different answer.

And currently,Texas schools average 7.3 students per staffer and 14.4 students per teacher.

The TASB commissioned poll is available at their website.

1 comment:

outsider said...

They haven't shut 'em down yet ?