Monday, November 1, 2010

In their own best interest

Chicago Tribune writer Steve Chapman said it best with regards to the redrawing of Congressional district boundary lines. He states that the boundary lines are redrawn to benefit those who are currently in office regardless of party holding the seat. "It works. In the U.S. House of Representatives, over the past five elections, incumbents have been re-elected at an average rate of 96 percent. According to my unscientific calculations, a congressman is more likely to be eaten by a polar bear while panning for gold in Key West than to be voted out of office."

Will November 2 show the same outcome? Perhaps this time a congressman will be panning for gold in Key West and a polar bear might be present in the same stream!

Let your silent voice be heard on November 2, 2010. Get out of the house and GO VOTE. It is your country and you are responsible for the people you put in office. Yes, if you do not vote then you are just as much responsible for the outcome as those that do vote.

1 comment:

outsider said...

Vote for Jim Prindle, Congress