Monday, March 15, 2010

SuperSuper said...
"Way to go PISD! You know what we need and you are making Pittsburg a better place to live. Keep up the great work! Cant wait for Roe's long letter to the editor that no one reads! Keep it up guys! Maybe one day someone will hear your far off thoughts!"
March 4, 2010 9:32 AM

Glad to know that Mr. Roe's letters are highly thought of by many in the community. SuperSuper must be reading are at least getting a summation from someone who did read the letter to the local rag. I find Mr. Roe's letters a bit lengthy myself; however, for intelligent people they are thought provoking.

As to the comment making Pittsburg a better place to live I and others are all for such actions that make Pittsburg a better place to live. However, one has to consider how the public as a whole in Camp County will benefit from the building of a 'multi-purpose facility'. I am open to your opinions in this regard. I like many in this community grew up without much and have now lived through the greatest downturn since the Great Depression and the years of excess. 'Multi-purpose facility' fits in that category of excess! Many in this community will be reaching retirement age over the next 5 to 10 years and we don't want to spend our retirement years paying for EXCESS.

"making Pittsburg a better place to live." - SuperSuper if you are Twi-lite Super then why don't you pack your belongings and move to the community? SuperSuper if you are not Twi-lite Super perhaps you can handle the summation and ask her why she does not move into the community.

I understand from one of the local coffee shop round tables there was a question in the local rag about charter buses the school used during the football playoffs. As I skimmed the local rag I must have missed that section of the paper. I must return to that edition of the local rag that covers the issue of charter buses and read the comments before offering additional comments. I have some reservation about the chartering of buses; however, I don't find it a deal killer.


sojourner said...

Is SuperSuper the doting Twilite Super?
Maybe yes and maybe no. If she is, $110,000 is a lot of money to pay someone to blog instead of doing her job. Her job description should not have blogging as a duty.
Does she know what her job is?
Could she read and comprehend a job description? Who in the group is smart enough to know what she is supposed to do?
Who could ascertain her ability to perform her duties?
Obviously none of the board members. They gave her a raise.

Constitutional said...

Sojourner.... People like you are what hurt’s this great country of ours, you and the other coffee round table guys. You need to start having constructive criticism and help be apart of the solution! Not the ones on here complaining all the TIME! No one will listen to you if you keep up this mess. I am one that believes the "Super" is doing a "Super" job, as do the majority of people in Camp County! That is why my name is SuperSuper. The Superintendent does not have to live in the school district; no one cares where you live... or should! This is a free country and if you want to start telling people where and where they can't live.... We'll jump on the socialist party! You guys really need a reality check! The school board and superintendent are doing a great job and the buildings they need and have to build will help with overcrowding and safety! The community will be able to use it and people moving here can see one more thing positive about the school district when they want to start a family and raise them here! Mainly it is your fault because you all were so against the school bond and now the next few years the school will have to add things that will end up costing more than if the bond would have went ahead and passed! So give yourself a hand and continue to bad month the school district when you need to become constructive and take your argument to Austin and D.C. to voice how you fill for all school districts to have the things they need! HELP don't HURT! Try it!

Jim L. Richardson said...

Rattle their cages Sojourner.

Constitutional said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constitutional said...

notonmywatch.... Great Comeback!

our money said...

"The community will be able to use it" - do you get to use the gym? You used to be able to use the track; however, it is now kept under lock and key. Taxpayer funded facilities are not available to those who paid for them in this community for their personal use.

"Mainly it is your fault because you all were so against the school bond and now the next few years the school will have to add things that will end up costing more than if the bond would have went ahead and passed!" This is an interesting comment! The last bond election was about a new high school that was NOT NEEDED. Items being discussed today, i.e. middle school cafe expansion, expansion of high school cafe, etc. were items that if presented properly to voters last time might have passed. Last time it was an all are nothing bond proposal. You got nothing! Prove the need and the voter might agree on some needed improvements 'a la carte' menu style. At least now PISD is having to use their 'hoarded' taxpayer cash that has been stock piling for several years.

"things that will end up costing more than if the bond would have went ahead and passed!" - this statement is so for off base. Guess this person has been unaware that a recession has been taking place. Most likely it costs less to build today than it did when the last bond election was voted down.

One other note of interest: This individual makes it sound like only a handful of folks had responsibility for the bonds failure.

News Flash: THE BOND WAS SOUNDLY DEFEATED BY A LARGE MAJORITY! How could one forget that whipping?

There was no justification, good data, etc. that supported the need of a bond to finance a facility that was not required. Did not help that the public was educated to the amount of reserve funds the PISD was sitting on. You should know to spend your excess taxpayer funds first!

SuperSuper response was similar to the lame justification for chater buses I read in the local rag. Safety, bathrooms, etc. Football team traveled by charter bus to Royce City; however, the band went by school bus. Band members must not have bathroom issues while riding a school bus! Guess the band members don't require the same safety measures as the football team.

Go ahead and waste a little more money so you can justify being broke and needing to call a future bond election to pay for all your misguided thoughts. What is wrong with this great country of ours is far too many government bureaucrats riding the backs of the taxpayers. We have offered to be a part of the solution; however, the government funded bureaucrats don't want to listen. The last bond committee was all school insiders! The so called complainers were not offered a seat at the table. How one forgets...............

P.S. In an unscientific poll of the coffee shop round tables:

1) no members can recall being asked to participate in the planning process (some members have been noted to have memory problems due to old age)
2) no members recall being asked to serve on the planning committee
3) no members recall having spoke to anyone who served on the bond planning committee
4) no members recall anyone from the PISD administration approaching them for their input
5) members are upset that they are being used as the scapegoat in this matter and are upset that someone has stated "People like you are what hurt's this great country of ours" - most if not all the members wore a uniform and fought for this country and feel they have the right to complain ANYTIME they like.

sojourner said...

Just got back in town and caught up on the latest postings.
SuperSuper, you are definitely in over your head.

Constitutional said...

"1) no members can recall being asked to participate in the planning process (some members have been noted to have memory problems due to old age)
2) no members recall being asked to serve on the planning committee
3) no members recall having spoke to anyone who served on the bond planning committee
4) no members recall anyone from the PISD administration approaching them for their input
5) members are upset that they are being used as the scapegoat in this matter and are upset that someone has stated "People like you are what hurt's this great country of ours" - most if not all the members wore a uniform and fought for this country and feel they have the right to complain ANYTIME they like."

Really find one school district that does that.... I think im going to build a house for my family and then call you guys and tell me what you think I should need for my new house... please!

Sounds like you guys are way over your head and are already drowning.
Be Patroits and support your school district!

Constitutional said...

Better yet, when ETMC was building the new hospital they should have asked you guys how many rooms they needed or if they need a water fall or where to build it!
And the bond failed because of false information given to people and lies from the round tables that, like you just said, didnt know anything what was going on and taking the information and having it fit to your agenda! Wow yall would fit right in Washington!

our money said...

There is a difference in the money being spent in the two examples provided, i.e. you build your house it is your money and not public money! ETMC built a new hospital with private money and not public money! By the way ETMC did include folks in their planning process who were outside the hospital system.

Public money belongs to the public regardless of when and how a taxing entity receives the funds. The bank account the funds are deposited into belongs to the public. The PISD does not exist without taxpayer funds!

Constitutional said...

Ok, When they build a new interstate and a new court house or police station we will let you guys know and let you tell them what they need and how to do it! Come on, think before you speak!

our money said...

When they build a new major highway TxDOT holds public hearings for I have attended several. The purpose of the public hearing is to get public input as to the best and most cost efficient route. Before Loop 179 was constructed there was a public hearing several years before construction started.

Two years ago TxDOT held a public hearing and public input session (at the school cafeteria by the rock gym) with regards to the construction of an interchange at Loop 179 and Hwy. 271. TxDOT listened and decided that public support and the cost of project were not aligned. The project was filed in a cabinet most likely to be reviewed again many years down the road.

TxDOT held a public hearing and public input session in Titus County approximately three years ago with regards to the proposed loop on the south side of Mt. Pleasant.

During the legislative session several public hearings are held and open to the public to provide input as to how the State of Texas should spend the tax dollars it receives.

I am told the City of Pittsburg held a public input session with regards to the remodeling of the old fire station. Also, I was informed from a former county employee that many years ago in Camp County there was a proposal to look at relocating the courthouse to Hwy. 271 and input was solicited from the public.

"Come on, think before you speak!" Thought has taken place prior to speaking. If Super Super is a part of the taxpayer funded system then it is obivious Super Super has not a clue as to how to gain public support, and Super Super has adopted the mentality that the taxpayer funds Super Super has been entrusted are actually in Super Super's OWN bank account. Thus the disconnet that creates the discord between taxpayer and bureaucrat!

How did the PISD come to have such a large fund balance? It was reported by one member of the coffee shop round table that he/she gathered information from reading the local rag the last few years and from the PISD accounting statement posted in the local rag that it appears the PISD has OVER budgeted (taken in more revenue/tax money than required to operate) and under spent thus creating a nice end of the year surplus that goes into the reserve fund. I am told this reserve fund makes a nice slush fund for pet projects! Someone should have been suggesting a tax rate cut in order to not take so much from the pockets of those who fund the livelihood of the PISD.

The PISD must become better attentive to how the taxpayers should be treated with regards to the funds they have entrusted to the district and this includes the reserve slush fund.

Jim L. Richardson said...

Our Money, you are to be commended again for seeing through the smoke screen laid down by the sneaking and conniving participants.

sojourner said...

Ourmoney is not the only one that has seen through their fog. There are more and more taxpayers seeing the truth. There are many in the community that realize we have zero leadership in PISD. They can not be entrusted with our tax dollars.

Taxes R US said...

Some have commented in this blog and elsewhere that the PISD has accumulated a large surplus of reserve funds. It appears that these funds were accumulated intentionally or by mismanagement. It appears that the PISD is attempting to do piecemeal what it was unable to do by the failed bond election for building a new high school. It appears that the leaders of the PISD now consider a multi- use sports complex more needed than improved academic and vocational facilities. It appears that those determined to add to the existing sports facilities will have their way unless the public intervenes.

It should be noted that most school board members were elected by less than 10% of the registered voters in a low-voter turnout spring election rather in a higher-voter turnout fall election. Their election is more a reflection of voter apathy than a mandate to spend the large tax surplus on more athletic facilities. I think that most property taxpayers would rather see the surplus spent on academic and vocational facilities, rewarding effective teachers and programs, or just returning the surplus to the property taxpayers.

As members of a free democratic system we have the right to speak freely on most topics. We have the right to know what plans our elected and appointed leaders have for serving us and improving our communities. We have a right to know how our taxes, which we are forced to pay, are being used.

Some people who have lived in Camp County for a long time and others who do not even live in Camp County object to outsiders exercising their freedom of speech to criticize how the PISD and other tax-dependent entities are operated.

In efforts to silence and to discredit those who disagree with the leaders of these entities, vague phrases such as ‘bad-mouthing the leaders” and “obstructing plans for a better community” are used. Some have been bold enough to suggest that those who speak out should go back to where they came from. Some, like Super Super on the ONLY TAXPAYER MONEY internet blog, have criticized my letters to the Pittsburg Gazette as being read by no one. Is no one someone? Who are the no ones who respond to my letters in print or comment on them in person?

Could it be that I am obstructing the plans of those who place competitive athletics for a few above education for all? Could it be that athletic entertainment has become more important than academic and vocational preparation? Could it be that game scores have become more important than PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP, and other scores which indicate the quality of education? Could it be that adding a sports complex is more important than improving the academic and vocational facitities?

There is a movie, Go Tigers, about a town in Ohio in which the importance of high school football is over emphasized. There are some remarkable parallels between the thinking of folks in that town and some of those in our town. The movie is entertaining and has a message.

sojourner said...

Taxes R Us, this post is well thought out and well written. You did not cover any subjects that are not absolutely true.
We are being over taxed with the surplus going into a wish fund. This outrageous over taxing is coming without any representation for us.
We have elected board members who have shirked all responsibilities to the taxpayers.
It is time for new individuals to be elected to the school board. No one could do any worse than the ones we currently have.
On an ending note concerning athletics. How can you expect academic excellence when Twi-Lite only cares about her athletics?

watchingu said...

Twi-lite super wants her name on any type of athletic facility she can use the hoarded tax dollars on. I was told by a reliable source she stated she would never hire another African American as long as she was employed at P.I.S.D. Several of the board members were also told this and they did nothing

watchingu said...

Bobby Richardson showed me a document that Twi-lite Super signed admitting she violated board policy. When he asked for it to be on an agenda, Twi-lite not the president answered it would be put on the agenda at the president's discretion. To this date it has never made the agenda. Who's running the school? obviously not the board. How does someone administer board policy who does not abide by board policy. She does not have the class to lead a dog team let alone a school district

Cicerone said...

There is no one weaker than Twi-Lite Super. She plays everyone for what she can get out of them. Her former school community was so happy when the control freak left. After all the "losers" for superintendents PISD has had, she fits right in.
She cares for nothing but her salary, protecting the Manley's (who make more than anyone in the district [$150,000]), and athletics.
AD can not control his kids so Twi-Lite purchases $70,000 worth of cameras to watch the kids for him. Was this money appropriated in the budget? It seems that she just does what she wants to do without anyone questioning her.

watchingu said...

twi-lite went from elementary principal to Supt. That is why she likes to be in control, her only experience is with children, that is why she gets along with Mr's brison and arnwine. everyone knows how vindictive brison is, but arnwine is just as pathetic. he was principal for 2 years at PISD then got five years emergency certification. he spent 2 years more at PISD then drew the big money at Saltillo. When the five years expired, he had never finished a mid-management class. He promised that for the big money he would do the classes, lied. But they say the apple doesn't fall from the tree, his son was fired from the local jail for misconduct concerning female inmates

DT3 said...

Yes, that is true and she was very ineffective as an elementary principal. She constantly "messed on the porch" trying to cover up problems instead of courageously meeting them head on and attempting to solve them. After she would finish "messing" with a problem it became a bigger problem than it was originally.
Kids were disciplined according to who their parents were.
It is interesting that Pittsburg board members thought they needed her to come and be your twi-lite. That is enough there to remove all of them. All they had to do was ask a few questions of the right people.

DT3 said...

Is this Arnwine joker the one that use to coach basketball? The coach with the beaming personality always caught everyone's eye as a weirdo.

watchingu said...

That's him, a real follower. He will follow anyone,he used to follow Mitch Carter. Now he follows Brison and Twi-lite. He hasn't brought a fresh idea to the table in his 8 years being on the board. He is so pathetic he thinks people actually listen to him. All I can think about him is how he wants a big bond passed so Pittsburg can have a big flagship campus (High School). If some body would just put his name on a plaque he might go on to the house. He is another prime example why our great country is not so great anymore. People like him can get elected because they never made anybody mad. When you don't have principles that you will stand up for,(like the song goes), you will fall for anything. He just keeps on falling. and by doing so, so goes the school. Anyone who suggested giving her a 10% raise should be tarred and feathered, then he came back and said thatwas 2.5% each year the last 3 years and 2.5% for this coming year. Mr.Not half as smart as he thinks he is should know those budgets are gone and you can't add those raises to them, but for him to figure that out he would have to be able to read and understand the Texas Education Code. a perfect match for twi-lite super is beyond twi-lite coach