Monday, October 19, 2009

Book slams Perry over ‘starving government'

Don't know which camp you fall into - Perry v. Hutchinson, but this book is a 'crock'. Perry can be blamed for being an A&M graduate; however, his stance on limited government is right on. Texas is the only state in the union that has managed to maintain jobs and lure business operations into Texas from other states during this financial meltdown. Agree that we might be a little slow on the food stamp handouts, and the press reported lack of insurance, etc., but the individuals have to take some responsibility for their own interests at times. Government is not the answer to all the problems.

State Sen. Eliot Shapleigh (D) El Paso has the belief that government is the engine that makes the state roar. “Perry's leadership for 25 years has been about starving government,” according to Sen. Shapleigh. If re-elected may the good Gov continue to starve government!

Wonder if Sen. Shapleigh has starved during his time of service to this great state?

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