Saturday, October 2, 2010

PISD news

Leave town for two weeks catching up on the news in the local rag, and behold it happens again. What is it with this bunch? Are they absolutely afraid of an individual with NEW ideas?

PISD school board appoints a retread! Another previous board member has been appointed to fill the vacant seat. Twi-light Super and PISD board president must be afraid of an individual who will and can come forth with NEW ideas. Last I looked there were no requirements for being a school board member except for the fact the voters had to like you. Voters did not get a chance in this case to cast a vote.

Be on the look out for a proposed bond election. The retread sided with the bond proponents in all previous bond discussions and elections from what I gather at the local coffee shop round table.

On another note about local schools.......the Daingerfield Lone Star ISD recently fired their superintendent. According to the news on the radio station he failed to move into and live in the district. Where does PISD Twi-light Super live? Daingerfield which is not in the PISD district. Twi-light Super's former job is open, perhaps she should work where she lives!

1 comment:

Constitutional said...

You guys are really losing your battle ground... the little you had. You say that you wanted a new board member with new ideas, hey, you just got three new members with new ideas... but I guess they are not good enough for you. Or this just shows you how far out you really are in this community. Keep up the great work Super! And telling someone where they should live so they can work there is unconstitutional! I would figure you guys would be against this. And he resigned from Daingerfield because no one on the board knows what they are doing. Check up on your facts buddy.