Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Immigration facts

According to a recent report by columnist Edward Schumacher-Matos it was stated that "unauthorized immigrants are probably a net burden on taxpayers in the short term. Economists overwhelmingly agree that the unauthorized contribute to the nation's economic growth thus leading to more income for most Americans."

This does not require the U.S. to allow illegal immigration. Milton Friedman noted, you can't have open borders and hope to maintain generous government benefits for your citizens. The question has become are illegal immigrants getting more than they deserve in the form of government benefits.

In a study conducted by the National Research Council in 1997 it found that an immigrant high school dropout received $89,000 more in services than he paid in taxes in his life. An immigrant with some college gave $105,000 more than he got. "The high school graduates that were left were slightly profitable for the government."

Federal law passed in 1996 cut almost all benefits to unauthorized immigrants. The Center for Immigration Studies acknowledged that the average undocumented household in 2002 received 46% less in federal benefits.

The problem goes away if the U. S. will take the time to secure the borders!

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