Monday, August 30, 2010

Outrageously is all one can say

The attorney for the City of Watauga, Texas recently argued in a case before the Texas Courts that it would be a crime for a citizen to drive on the streets with a political bumper sticker on their car. Outrageous that this one lone attorney can interpret the law in this manner.

This opinion by the lone attorney was offered in the recent case against Chris Howe by the City of Watauga, Texas. Mr. Howe was imprisoned for five hours and then criminally prosecuted for holding a political sign on city property in Watauga, Texas. Guess the City of Watauga made the decision that taxpayers did not own the property! When did U.S. Citizens have to get the government's permission to speak about elections or important issues of faith? When did local government decide that they are the keepers of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

The bureaucrats have assembled way too much power, and it is time the power was returned to the people. The people pay the bills and the salaries that these bureaucrats collect each week. Power to the people!

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