Saturday, June 26, 2010

A standing ovation

Remember a few weeks back when our current U.S. Congress stood and gave an ovation (not all members participated in the ovation) to the President of Mexico for his comments about U. S. Immigration policy and his displeasure with the law passed by the state of Arizona.

The rest of the story................Mexico has now challenged the Arizona immigration law in a federal court in Arizona. What rights are afforded Mexico under our U.S. Constitution to the country of Mexico with regards to laws passed by our states? I need an expert to come forth and explain such. Mexico basis its argument on the country's (Mexico) own interests and citizens' rights are at stake. I was unaware that a Mexican citizen had any rights within the U.S.; therefore, how is it possible their rights are at stake? Mexico feels the law passed by Arizona is unconstitutional. Texas should have demanded Santa Anna deed Mexico to Texas when they had the chance!

1 comment:

outsider said...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men born in the United States are endowed by the constitution with certain unalienable rights...