Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our government and the handouts


Inmates get $9 million in homebuyer tax credits, and 200 of the 1295 were serving life sentences. Who is responsible for such? It is hard to believe that an inmate has the need to file a tax return. However, there might be a law on the books that requires all regardless of location to file a return.

Minimum number of children under 18 who have received first-time homebuyer tax credits from the IRS since 2008 : 582

Other notes of interest................

Amount NYC Mayor Bloomberg's foundation deposited in Caribbean tax shelters in 2008: $288,000,000
(Is he not a Democrat?)

Number of the 251 largest U.S. cities in which immigrants hold more white-collar jobs than blue-collar jobs: 14

Number of states that currently ban involuntary implanting of microchips into a person's body: 4
(if relocating one might want to reconsider the other 46)

And now that it is HOT.................

Percentage of Americans in 1973 who considered AC a 'necessity': 26%
Percentage of Americans in 2006 who considered AC a 'necessity': 70%

Have we become lazy?

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