Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama day

Today will be all about Obama’s Inauguration and his plans for the economy. George W. Bush leaves office today with the Dow off 2,306 points from when he took over - one of the worst performances for any U.S. president. Sad thing is it all fell apart in the last six months of 2008, and after the Democrats achieved a majority in Congress. Therefore, Bush should not be forced to carry the complete burden for the financial meltdown. History and time will take care of this event!

Today we move forward with hope that Obama can 'walk his talk' for the sake of the minority and majority communities. Historically financial markets have done well when a Democratic President is in office and there is a Republican Congress. This time is different for the Democrats hold both the executive and legislative leadership.

All this comes amid the historic inauguration of incoming President Barack Obama, the first African-American president in the U.S. Washington, D.C., has braced for as many as 2 million visitors anxious to witness the inauguration ceremonies, and participate in the accompanying festivities. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm that has gripped the nation’s capital hasn’t found its way up the Turnpike to reach the financial district of New York.

I encourage you to pray for an Obama success. If he fails then the country will fail, and the minority community from which he hails will lose credibility within the bounds of the United States. However, if he can inspire the freeloaders that historically are from the community he carries the most weight to rise and seek something better then we will all be better off in the long run. If he chooses to support the promotional approach of giving it away with no price to pay then the whole of the US society may have no incentive to pursue success. History is not kind to previous leaders who rose from the grassroots and failed to achieve. All you have to do is ring up Jimmy Carter!

Today is a historic day for inauguration purposes. At noon today the curtain is pulled and the show begins. The inauguration and its history is over in a matter of minutes. Those that traveled to Washington, D.C. will party on; however, the real historic question remains. Will they still be participants with Obama over the next four years, and will they still be a part of the party come November 2012?

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