Monday, January 26, 2009

BHO and stmulus

This is a joke, right? Because it certainly is funny! This so called stimulus plan BHO is offering is NOT a stimulus plan it is a political spending plan. None of the millions of jobs he "thinks" he can create or save are even going to happen in this year. The "green" jobs he thinks "he" can create are in technologies that have yet to be perfected, or even proven to work. And how, pray tell, are the 600K jobs "he" is going to create in government going to offer any economic stimulus to our economy?

The ONLY way to get out of the financial mess we are in right now, is to manufacture our way out! And since we don't manufacture anything the rest of the world wants, it could be a long time before we see economic freedom again. Hell, we can't even feed ourselves anymore. Our farmers are consumed growing crops, that we stick into our fuel tanks at government subsidized prices. We now have to import such basics as tomatoes, oranges and wheat.

Before you go writing some pie in the sky article about how BHO is going to turn this dysfunctional country of ours, you maybe should find out how we got out of the last depression/recession. It wasn't by shuffling papers and selling credit default swaps, or refinancing mortgages. We sold other countries product, product that we now import.

I agree that corn subsidies for ethanol are completely ridiculous. And I buy local meats, milk, and vegetables from farmers every Saturday in my hometown in Virginia. Agriculture is one area where America should excel. The fact that we import so much food is insane! (I think that very reason is why Obama won Iowa).

I interpreted Obama's plans to be we can make our own cars here, grow our own food right here and we aren't even doing that. Americans making products for Americans. That could be a huge growth industry in itself. And our biggest import that used to be homegrown?

Energy. We can debate which technologies are proven and which aren't... but sitting on the sidelines and continuing to send a half trillion dollars overseas ever year for oil and then claiming their isn't a solution doesn't sound American to me. Last century, science and education were the cornerstones of American industry. We became a superpower.

Because frankly the government writing a blank check to the banks and institutions that got us in this mess in the first place disturbs me. I wrote this article to shine light on a program I hope could actually give us something tangible… new jobs. And doing what America does best – which is definitely not shuffling papers around but building and innovating.

Consider this: 2008 saw 2.3 Million mortgages slip into default or outright foreclosure. If we multiply that by the median home price from 2007 of $220k, we are facing a problem that exceeds $506 TRILLION!

The government sector has none of it's own working capital, it has to take from someone else (taxpayer) in order for it to "invest" in any economic initiative. That means that it has no real vested interest in seeing the initiative work. (Just look at how well our government managed Freddie and Fanny). In order for government to have a positive affect, it needs to just offer tax credits/rebates and incentives to the business sector, then get out of the way!!!

Oh, only one problem with the power of Obama, the market was down 300+ on the day he came to power.

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