Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twi-light super gets her way

Twi-light Super did not get her way in regards to the reassignment of one of the principals. She gets her way by the PISD board voting to expend $100,000 plus on the buyout of the contract. Coffee table talk says she reported there will not be a need to replace the individual for the next year and a half; therefore, the school want be paying two salaries. If there is not a need then why were we paying for an extra body that was not needed in the first place?

At this point one has to question the intelligence and decision making ability of this individual. The PISD board needs to take the 'blinders' off and send this individual home for bad decision making skills. Bad decision making skills is a valid reason to terminate employment. The list of bad decisions continues to add up, i.e. $100K plus payout to an employee for a position that was not needed to begin with, a botched bid on a mowing contract that cost a bucket load in attorney fees, ask for a bond when you have demonstrated no real need, provide the public with invalid data, hiring bonus for teachers who don't stay, etc.

This is all good taxpayer money that should be used towards the education of the children. Rise up and demand better of your PISD board! The PISD is no sideshow for it has become the circus.

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