Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On the local ISD front

At one of the coffee shop round tables this AM it was discussed that Twi-light Super is wanting to reassign one of the campus principles. It appears that Twi-light Super has lost faith in this individuals leadership abilities. I want to offer Twi-light Super a word of caution that this ISD traveled this road a few years back. Some of the older school board members will and should recall the reassignment of a principal that ended up costing several hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement agreement costs and legal fees. If you plan on taking this road you better have your books in order for this district cannot afford another costly lawsuit by another uneducated Twi-light Super on a power trip.

However, your decision making skills are minimal at best. What Twi-light Super would approve the expense of chartered buses for the purpose of a ninety minute bus ride when you have a whole fleet of yellow buses already owned by the district? The opposing team showed up in the yellow buses. They won and they rode home in those yellow buses at a lot less expense. Oh, least we forget the money you spend is not your own. You don't even live in the ISD; therefore, you don't pay no property taxes that support our ISD. The decision to expend the money for charter buses was an easy one for you - IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY. Minimal decision making skills at best should be noted in your performance evaluation! Wonder if the school board even does a performance evaluation on Twi-light Super? Guess not if the individual is still here. Then again you have to ask why is the school board still in place.

A coffee shop round table poll has concluded that the Twi-light Super and the Asst. Twi-light Super are the ones who need to be reassigned. Success on the athletic field does not equal success in the world of children learning the 3R's! Kendal Wright was an exceptional athlete and has shown exceptional success on the athletic field at the next level. However, not every student is going to have the athletic abilities of Mr. Wright. The natural athletes will have no problems unless they don't get the 3R's, and this goes for the other 99.9% of the student body that are not natural athletes.

Twi-light Super and Asst. Twi-light Super need to take their natural athletic talents elsewhere, and then just maybe this ISD can hire a real leadership team. A real leadership team will come in and clean the house at all levels and start a rebuilding program to turn this ISD into an academic success story. Twi-light Super retire and go home. You are not a leader. If you must stay in this business you could probably do well as the Super of the DISD. Asst. Twi-light Super you need to find a new mentor if you wish to stay in this business.

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