Sunday, October 5, 2008

A state rep candidate who has been living on mars

A candidate for state representative is actually calling for property tax increases as part of her general election strategy. She apparently hasn't being paying attention.

Sandra Phuong VuLe, the Democratic Party's candidate for Texas House District 112, told the Dallas Morning News over the weekend that she would "let school districts increase property taxes far beyond the current cap."

She also told the newspaper she wants to tax business profits and "supports raising sales taxes beyond the current statewide cap" -- so she can in turn fund much bigger spending.
In a debate with Republican Angie Chen Button before the Richardson league of Women Voters, VuLu said she wanted to raise the school property tax rate. In 2006, the Legislature cut the rate from $1.50 to $1, but allowed school districts to raise it back up (eventually) to $1.17. Well, VuLu said she wants to reduce the reduction, and bring the rate to $1.30 or $1.40.

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