Saturday, October 4, 2008

"Say it ain't so Joe"

For those of you who watched the VP Debate I thought the best line of the evening was "Say it ain't so Joe". Don't know if she rattled the rooftops, but she held her own against a long time Washington insider. Talking heads have informed us that Biden made several factual errors which is not good for someone who has been in the inter beltway for as long as he has. She is given a little leeway in some of her missteps, however, she needed to be on the money in order to demonstrate she has what it takes to play ball in the beltway ballpark among the heavy hitters.

Opinion is she did not strike out!

Sure would be nice if we had debates among our local elected offices.


outsider said...

Bidden is an idiot. My dog could have held his own in a debate with him. There is no difference in ideas between McCain And Obama. There might be between Palin and Obidden but she couldn't say them or she would be going against McSame. There is a choice Have the guts to vote for what you believe, liberty, freedom,free enterprise.

FairFlowers said...

I know its early, but check out Remember Kay Baily Hutchins voted FOR the bailout.